Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin doubled down on her criticism of Planned Parenthood Wednesday when asked about
a recent Facebook post in which she compared the group's logo to the Confederate flag and asked which had killed 90,000 black babies.
Planned Parenthood is in the business of finding targets so they can attract those who are disadvantaged and can be made to believe that abortion is their only option, Palin said on Fox News Channel's
"The O'Reilly Factor."
"That is why 80 percent of Planned Parenthood shops are set up in minority neighborhoods," she said, adding that the group wants minority woman to "feel like they are not capable of giving their children life."
Planned Parenthood is a "bogus business," Palin said. "They're in it to make money. They are in it to profit. ... And that's why our tax dollars should not go to Planned Parenthood.
The organization has come under fire in the past three weeks as a series of undercover videos have show Planned Parenthood officials appear to be haggling over the price of fetal tissue to be sold to medical labs for testing. It is against federal law to sell fetal tissue for a profit.
Planned Parenthood insists the videos are deceptively edited, though the group that shot them, Center for Medical Progress, has also posted the entire unedited versions.
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