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W. Texas A&M Won't Cave to Cultural Immorality

dignity begins here

Michael Reagan By with Michael R. Shannon Tuesday, 18 April 2023 10:15 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Charles A. Dana was a famous 19th century journalist and editor of The New York Tribune.

Dana is credited with explaining how journalists evaluate the newsworthiness of an event: "If a dog bites a man it is not news, but if a man bites a dog it is."

For us, an outbreak of sanity at a university — of all places — therefore definitely qualifies as news.

And big news at that.

Canyon, located a few miles south of Amarillo in the Texas panhandle, is the home of West Texas A&M University

The school is part of the Texas A&M system and has almost 7,500 students on campus.

Quite significantly, the school is blessed with President Walter Wendler.

A college chief executive who is not intimidated by the "Rainbow Reich."

When Wendler learned that a campus organization was sponsoring a drag queen show, he did something requiring courage these days.

Wendler canceled the show.

His explanation is a perfect example of thinking an issue through and pointing out the obvious. His clear reasoning demonstrates how sick our current culture is and proves that most Red State leaders are squishy weaklings.

Wendler sent an email to students and expanded his thinking in a blog post on the topic.

He began simply, "West Texas A&M University will not host a drag show on campus."

He then explained, "WT endeavors to treat all people equally. Drag shows are derisive, divisive, and demoralizing misogyny, no matter the stated intent. Such conduct runs counter to the purpose of WT.

"A person or group should not attempt to elevate itself or a cause by mocking another person or group. As a university president, I would not support 'blackface' performances on our campus, even if told the performance is a form of free speech or intended as humor.

"It is wrong. I do not support any show, performance, or artistic expression which denigrates others — in this case, women — for any reason."

He also knows his decision will result in criticism and distortion. And Wendler doesn’t care. "No amount of fancy rhetorical footwork or legal wordsmithing eludes the fact that drag shows denigrate and demean women — noble goals notwithstanding. A harmless drag show? Not possible."

Wendler then drew a line in the sand. "I will not appear to condone the diminishment of any group at the expense of impertinent gestures toward another group for any reason, even when the law of the land appears to require it."

That cancellation ended any chance that Wendler would ever be considered for the job of president at any Ivy League university.

In fact, we doubt he could land a job as a janitor at one of the Ivy Leagues now.

President Wendler’s courage does not come without cost.

But so does standing idly by while the culture slides into the abyss.

We hope Walter Wendler’s example will serve as inspiration for city hall handwringers who hesitate to stop drag queen shows that target children.

And if not inspiration, then condemnation as voters remember their moral failures when election time rolls around.

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.

Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.

© Mike Reagan

We hope Walter Wendler’s example will serve as inspiration for city hall handwringers who hesitate to stop drag queen shows that target children. And if not inspiration, then condemnation as voters remember their moral failures when election time rolls around.
drag, wendler
Tuesday, 18 April 2023 10:15 AM
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