Led by the Quadrillion-Dollar Man: Joe Biden — about whom more later — today’s Democratic Party has decayed into a collection of psychoses fortified by police power, perpetual-motion monetary printing presses, and easy access to atomic weapons.
What could go wrong? Damn near everything.
Democrats spent much of the last generation attempting to heal the Southern Blacks whom they brutalized through Jim Crow segregation.
They promoted legal equality for women, aimed to enrich the poor, and eradicated tear-inducing air and blazing rivers.
Despite their ham-fisted methods and extravagant budgets, yesterday’s Democrats often tried to do the right thing.
Today’s Democrats stroke their exotic fetishes in public, typically at taxpayer expense.
Their counterproductive projects explode in their faces like un-hurled grenades. And whenever they can cleave Americans racially or sexually, they do so with quasi-erotic passion.
Behold this snapshot of Demented Democratic insanity:
•Washington, D.C.’s city council voted to let foreign citizens, including illegal aliens, vote in municipal elections. Exercising Congress’ power to overturn local D.C. laws, House Republicans voted unanimously to scrap this measure. "Only AMERICANS should vote in AMERICAN elections," Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, argued via Twitter.
Among House Democrats, 79% (162 of 204) disagreed and voted to let foreign citizens cast ballots in the nation’s capital.
•D.C.’s city council battled a local crime surge by reducing penalties for robbery, carjacking, home invasion, and other violent offenses. Every Republican voted to junk this law. However, 85% (173 of 204) of Democrats dissented and stood proudly with their thug-hugging District counterparts.
•Elusive Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has had his plate full, what with three pairs of passenger jets that nearly collided at JFK, Austin, and Chicago airports in about as many weeks.
On Feb. 3, a train laden with toxic chemicals derailed at East Palestine, Ohio.
On-scene geniuses then set it ablaze igniting an American Chernobyl.
After 11 days without comment, Poisonous Pete shattered his silence — via Twitter.
He did find time to obsess over the racial makeup of America’s construction workforce.
He whined to the National Association of Counties about "a neighborhood — often a neighborhood of color — that finally sees a project come to them, but everyone in the hard hats on that project, doing the good-paying jobs, don’t look like they came from anywhere near that neighborhood."
After scolding the Daily Caller’s Jennie Taer for interrupting his "personal time" as he strolled through Washington, D.C. on Tuesday night, Buttigieg finally reached East Palestine Thursday.
This was one day after former President Donald J. Trump comforted its terrified residents and 20 days after a man-made mushroom cloud rained carcinogens on these American citizens.
•Today’s Democrats believe that genitalia are as interchangeable as Lego parts. So, they steer insecure boys and girls toward "gender-affirming care."
This sounds as inviting as a Jacuzzi. However, such "care" manipulates hormones, halts puberty, castrates via chemicals, and amputates sex organs.
Left-wing teachers and school officials pressure vulnerable minors to keep their parents oblivious to these enormous, life-changing, irreversible medical interventions.
•In a massive blow for transgenderism, New Hampshire’s Milford School Board voted Feb. 6 to disable boys room urinals with trash bags.
"No one requested this change," student Jay Remella told WMUR-TV.
"It was solely made by the school board and a parent complaint."
After hundreds of high-school students walked out to protest this decision, the board reversed itself and liberated the urinals, proving who the real grown-ups are in Milford.
•In America’s opposite corner, San Diego’s Bernardo Heights Middle School has installed a tampon dispenser in the boys’ room, near a urinal.
Democrats’ Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021 mandates that every California government school supply free feminine-hygiene products in each female and all-gender restroom and at least one male bathroom.
"I think it’s crazy and unbelievable that they would put a tampon and pad dispenser in the boys’ locker room because they should KNOW that boys will be boys and waste them and cause trouble," said a 13-year-old male Bernardo Heights student.
•San Francisco Democrats have proposed $5 million in slavery reparations for every eligible Black resident. If all 46,466 Black San Franciscans qualified (per Census data), this would cost each of 768,735 local non-blacks $302,223. Total: $232.3 billion.
Reparations would consume this city’s entire $14 billion budget for the next 16 years and leave $0.00 for police, firefighters, schools, roads, healthcare, or anything else through 2039.
•"If we don’t stay under 1.5 degrees Celsius," President Biden told donors on Jan. 31, "we’re going to have a real problem. It’s the single-most existential threat to humanity we’ve ever faced, including nuclear weapons."
The Democrats’ bright-green, $369 billion Inflation Reduction Act is supposed to help Biden meet his 2.7° Fahrenheit objective.
Good luck with that.
Climate expert Bjorn Lomborg ran the IRA through the United Nations’ temperature models. He discovered that the IRA reduces expected global warming through 2100 by just 0.0009° F.
This is like cranking a thermostat from 72° F all the way down to 71.9991° F.
So, $369 billion achieves just 0.0333% of Biden’s goal. Thus, Biden’s desired 2.7° reduction would cost $1.108 quadrillion — with a Q — more than 35 times America’s $31.5 trillion national debt.
Such madness confirms that the Democratic Party has slouched from a serious political institution into America’s largest mental hospital.
Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research. Read Deroy Murdock's Reports — More Here.
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