The plant extract Nigella sativa, more commonly called black cumin seed oil, has been extensively studied and shown to have some rather remarkable properties, including:
• Pain inhibition
• Reduced uric acid levels (to prevent gout)
• Lower blood pressure
• Lower blood sugar
• Reduced histamine levels
It also inhibits some snake venoms, and inhibits free radicals, lipid peroxidation, iron toxicity, and abnormal folding of proteins (which is important for preventing neurodegenerative diseases).
One of the main effects of this extract is its impact on immunity. Nigella has been shown to dramatically enhance natural killer cell activity that is associated with protection against cancer and infections.
In a study for which healthy males and females were given the compound for one month, researchers found it helped keep blood pressure within normal limits and significantly increased lymphocyte counts, with no changes in inflammatory cytokines. This is important because both the natural COVID-19 infection and COVID vaccines suppress these critical immune cells (lymphocytes).
Diabetics can also have low lymphocyte counts, and supplementing them with Nigella sativa returned their lymphocyte counts to normal. Frequent infections are a major problem for diabetics. One of the components found in the oil is called thymoquinone (TQ), which inhibits a number of inflammatory factors in the blood and tissues, such as NFkB, TNF-alpha, IL-1ß and IL-6.
Nigella has also been shown to protect the liver from fibrosis (the basis of liver cirrhosis), and also protect the kidneys. It is valuable for treating asthma, pollen allergy, eczema, and elevated cortisol levels. In addition, it reduces inflammation seen with colitis and arthritis, and reduces the pain and swelling of gout.
If all this is not enough, this oil has potent effects against breast cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and uterine sarcomas. And the TQ component of the oils protects against heart damage by the chemotherapy agent doxorubicin.
The dose of Nigella sativa is 500 mg three times a day with food. But do not take extremely high doses, as there are some bad side effects at very high concentrations. But overall, Nigella has a high margin of safety, with animal studies showing no damage to any organ when taken as directed.
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