As with all diseases, early diagnosis and treatment of liver problems will give the best outcome. Unfortunately, many liver disorders do not present specific symptoms until the damage is rather advanced.
Yet the liver can be quite resilient against diseases, mostly because of its powerful detoxification systems and incredible regenerative ability. Most of us are familiar with the yellow tint of the skin and whites of the eyes of people with liver damage known as jaundice. The yellow color indicates a buildup of the compound bilirubin in the skin and the sclera of eyes.
In most cases, those are the first signs of liver problems. Early jaundice occurs commonly with viral hepatitis, chemical-induced hepatitis, obstruction of the bile ducts, and liver cancer.
Other signs and symptoms of liver disorders include:
• Pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen (just under the ribs)
• Sudden weight loss
• A swollen, protruding abdomen from fluid buildup (called ascites, this occurs later)
• Swelling of the legs and ankles, usually associated with ascites
• Itchy skin
• Dark urine due to high levels of bilirubin
• Chronic fatigue, extreme tiredness, and exhaustion
• Pale stool that may contain streaks of blood or be tar colored
• Nausea and vomiting
• Pale stool that may contain streaks of blood or be tar colored
• Nausea and vomiting
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