Terry Krepel, a Media Matters for America senior editor, has challenged a May 31, 2013, Newsmax commentary entitled “A Checkout-Line Town Hall” that reported on middle-America sentiments. He questioned the likelihood that such conservative comments would be coming from neighborhood shoppers.
His concern is understandable, since Media Matters for America is among the political-action groups funded in whole or in part by billionaire money-manipulator George Soros and other supporters of the Democrat Party’s liberal agenda. Krepel, via his ConWebWatch, serves as a media watchdog for the political left on guard against Conservative thought in print.
Although he found it difficult to believe that neighborhood shoppers would “just parrot” the author’s views,” voter polls regularly show Americans thinking like the checkout-line Town Hallers, who are reacting to Internal Revenue Service excesses that remain in the news.
Town Hallers are concerned by the continuing saga of the Benghazi fiasco that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead and by mounting Obamacare problems. For informed citizens, these remain topics of local discussion.
Most fair-minded Americans are beginning to realize that glib talk by President Barack Obama falls short of leadership. Although all polls should be questioned, recent ones show that 54 to 57 percent of Americans no longer favor the president.
An equal number question his ability to manage mounting government scandals and foreign policy eruptions.
Current polls show that Americans believe the IRS scandals reveal wrongly targeting of conservative Americans and that Obama has not handled the scandals properly. Yet congressional Democrats pretend that IRS employees did nothing wrong.
Democrats excuse the bias of IRS employees, their convention excesses on federal time and dollar, their abuse of government credit cards, and their apparent collusion concerning million-dollar contracts going to friends.
A Gallup poll reports that Republicans take more pride in America than do Democrats. U.S. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill., is an exception — she acknowledges that something is amiss with IRS contracting.
Overwhelmingly, Americans polled believe that the killings in Benghazi, Libya, on 9/11/12 were the result of Obama administration failures and that the president is involved in a cover-up. Yet Obama minions persist in blaming an obscure anti-Muslim video.
Americans continue to question the failure of the Obama administration to help the four Americans who were killed and the others who were wounded in the Benghazi terrorist attack that lasted six to eight hours. Many Americans ponder whether the U.S. military’s failure to help was due to political correctness or ineptitude.
Krepel ought to know that U.S. field soldiers don’t parse words in the midst of a fire-fight. Whether the order was “stand down” or “stay down” or whatever, they help their buddies. In the Newsmax commentary being challenged by Krepel, a Marine quoted in the check-out line merely expressed the U.S. military code, even though this may not be understood by left-wingers.
They also may not understand when citizens ask, "Why does the Obama administration state that the Fort Hood shooting of Americans was “workplace violence" rather than an act of terrorism?
In contact with an extremist Muslim cleric, the Fort Hood shooter was himself a Muslim extremist, who shouted, “Allah Akbar” (God is Great), as he killed 13 Americans and wounded 32 others. Evidence indicates that he had pronounced his radical Islamic views for months if not years before the shooting, but somehow politically correct Army brass did nothing. U.S. citizens still seek answers.
They also want to know why U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice (DOJ) sanctioned “Operation Fast and Furious,” an operation that released U.S. guns to Mexican Drug Cartel (MDC) murderers. As a result, two U.S. agents were killed, one in Arizona and one in Mexico. Holder proceeded to stonewall congressional investigations, which has become a pattern of behavior for the Obama administration.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), increasingly showing itself to be a failure, was passed by a Democrat-controlled Senate, a Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, and signed by a Democrat president. U.S. citizens recall the Alice-in-Wonderland words spoken by then Speaker-of-the House Nancy Pelosi: “We have to pass the bill, so we can find out what is in it.”
Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., now concludes that Obamacare implementation is a “train wreck.” In response, Obama has delayed the employer mandate, a key provision of Obamacare, until January 1, 2015.
Like it or not, check-out line Town Hallers represent the views of U.S. citizens protected by the Constitution to state their dissatisfaction with “train wreck” government policies, and they are speaking up — yes, in checkout lines.
James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read more reports from James Walsh — Click Here Now.
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