Nov 15, 2021
President Joe Biden, his handlers, and the socialist Democrats seek to change America with an open borders mentality and governance.
Aug 10, 2021
President Joseph Biden is a man who vacillates between radical leftist sayings or actions and inane or belittling comments. Vice-President Kamala Harris, is a woman who is playing way beyond her capabilities.The combination is now being recognized as a leftist delight.
Jun 23, 2021
The Portland community is left-leaning, ergo, community tolerance is great, as it atones for its past history.
May 7, 2021
As reported by Chase Lawrence of World Socialist Web Site (WSWS), the DHS facility's capacity was 250 people, but was holding about 4,100 illegal minors. Reporter Lawrence concluded it was "a crime against humanity."
Mar 29, 2021
President Joe Biden and his appointees say there is "challenge" on the Southern border. Every person living within the United States will be experiencing the affects of a "challenged" border.
Mar 19, 2021
The Biden administration, including Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, refuse to utter the word "crisis" to describe the growing number of people attempting to cross the border, and being detained.
Mar 11, 2021
It is more evident than ever that President Joseph R. Biden is "president in name only." Because of numerous gaffes, and downright confusing flipflops on key policy issues, Biden's mental capacity has rightly or wrongly been questioned since the Democratic primaries....
Mar 5, 2021
President Joe Biden and his handlers ignore American citizens and have open the nation's borders to unfettered illegal alien entry. Biden's open-borders policy is disastrous for many reasons. Unreported are the numbers of foreign persons entering the country without...