Hillary Clinton is blasting armed protests calling for an end to state leaders' imposition of stay-at-home orders during the pandemic. In a tweet on Friday, she labeled such protests "domestic terrorism."
"Armed men storming a legislature to distupt its democratic proceedings is domestic terrorism. It cannot be tolerated," Clinton tweeted out on Friday.
The tweet topped an image from Newsweek showing Michigan protesters bearing arms as they railed against stay-home orders by that state's Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer. Her orders are also being challenged in court. She linked to the Newsweek article, which was about Michigan closing down its Capitol and canceling legislative business after armed protests and death threats to Whitmer.
As reported by multiple outlets, on Thursday armed protesters gathered outside the state Capitol in Lansing for "judgment day" demonstrations against the state's stay-at-home order, which opponents have demanded be lifted. They say businesses and the economy are suffering mightily during the pandemic lockdown.
The Hill said 200 protesters turned out for Thursday's event, where one demonstrator was seen carrying an American flag with a doll dangling from a noose. The event was similar to one in April, which also involved armed protesters, some of whom gained access to the Capitol Building.
The Hill said State Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, a Republican, condemned the threats against Whitmer, who, while standing by her orders, has defended protesters' right to assemble while urging them to observe social distancing protocols.
"Those who have populated a number of social media posts with crude, violent and threatening messages about our governor, these folks are thugs and their tactics are despicable," Shirkey said, according to The Detroit News. The article detailed the arrest of a Detroit man over death threats to Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel.
Whitmer has urged Republican lawmakers to denounce death threats made on social media.
The Detroit News said recent protests against Whitmer's stay-at-home order have featured some violent content of their own, like a sign brandished last month that declared, "Tyrants get the rope."
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