A progressive group is pressing Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Susan Collins, R-Maine, to block Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation for the Supreme Court in the wake of sexual assault allegations against the judge that surfaced last week, The Hill reports.
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has paid for local newspaper ads to run in Alaska and Maine targeting Murkowski and Collins, both key swing votes for Republicans in the nomination.
"If Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski don't publicly oppose Kavanagh, their legacy will be putting someone into the Supreme Court as the deciding vote who is hostile to women on all levels," said Stephanie Taylor, PCCC co-founder. "There is too much at stake to allow someone who is a danger to women to serve a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court."
California professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged in a letter that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than 30 years ago when both were teenagers in high school. She went public with her claim over the weekend, and senators on the Judiciary Committee have scrambled to figure out next steps – including a potential hearing that would proceed with Ford.
Ford has not yet agreed to testify, and has not responded to requests to do so.
Taylor said the PCCC believes Ford, and respects "her bravery to come forward publicly with her horrific experience. Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court."
The ads will run in the Bangor Daily News and the Ketchikan Daily News on Thursday, and urge constituents to call the senators and tell them to vote no.
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