Keep in mind, according to reports from the Senators themselves, most of the additional pictures were of our soldiers having sex with each other– male soldiers having sex with female soldiers, that is.
Senators such as Feinstein and Campbell expressed absolute shock at the pictures they saw. I’m shocked at how out-of-touch our Senators seem to be when it comes to the nature of what happened at Abu Ghraib.
Now don’t get me wrong – I believe when it comes to Al-Qaida leadership and operatives, anything goes. I don’t care if you put women’s underwear on their heads, or frankly, even pull out a few fingernails of those responsible for mass murder, to unmask their continuing plans for the genocide of civilized peoples.
It’s called “torture lite,” it works, and I’m all for whatever it takes to get information, and yes, to punish and annihilate terrorist leadership around the world.
That said – I consider the vast majority of what happened at Abu Ghraib to be hazing – nothing more, nothing less. For weeks, all of us have been shouted at by the liberal media about how awful the events were, how having a man stripped naked in front of a woman was “torture,” how making a prisoner wear women’s underwear was “horrific,” and the most recent “charge” of forcing men to wear maxi-pads.
Ah, the horror of it all! I hear that the next stage of the abuse is to make the Iraqis read Ms. Magazine. Heck, that would be torture for anyone! Combine that with forcing them to watch Lifetime Television (the Network-of-Horrible-Things-Are-Going-To-Happen-To-You-Because-You’re-A-Woman) and I’m sure we’d have the location of bin Laden in an hour.
From what I could glean from our shocked, just shocked Senators, it seems as though they have never realized that the pornography industry is one of the biggest industries in the world; that we have raised now two generations of men (and women) with graphic, obscene images which have made degrading behavior “sexy,” “normal” and “exciting.”
For the Senators who do not know, or have not cared to think about it, the growing scourge of pornography relies on the degradation and humiliation of women, the usual subject involved. What a perfect tool to implement in war!
And, dear Senators, how dare you be so shocked and surprised that those who appear to have been the most depraved, the most abusive, seem to have been as obsessed about recording not only the sexual humiliation of their victims, but to participate in it and wallowing in their own sexual subjugation as well.
Through modern culture each of us is being conditioned to accept, promote and reward the worst in ourselves. The amazing and hopeful news in all of this is that most Americans still reject this plan of Leftists in control of social view of ourselves.
Film, television and even radio have gone further and further into a pit of mindless violence, loveless sex and degrading discussion. Finally, we’re demanding the FCC do something about it, but that won’t erase the decades of increasing depravity throughout all mediums of entertainment.
It is worth remembering, we are the greatest nation on Earth specifically because acts which are tantamount to hazing are surprising, and unacceptable, to most people.
In our efforts to maintain our perspective here, yes, we have promised Democracy to the people of Iraq. What Democracy and freedom brings is the rule of law – not perfection, but a way to deal with the imperfect, and even the depraved, among us.
As of this writing, Army Sgt. Charles A. Graner, Jr., one of the soldiers court martialed, seems to have defined his defense. His lawyer appeared on one of the many news programs last week and explained that Sgt. Graner was ordered to do the things he did by a superior, someone he could only identify as “Big Steve.” Who Big Steve was he did not know. And oddly, neither does Sgt. Graner.
This from a man, as USA Today reported, who has at least three protective orders granted against him by the courts at the request of an ex-wife who in court documents alleges Graner doing everything to her ranging from physical violence to videotaping her surreptitiously.
Sounds like something the Abu Ghraib prisoners are familiar with. With that background, it shouldn’t be so surprising that soldiers charged have claimed Graner was the ringleader of the abuse. And as most of us now know, Lynddie England, the most prominently pictured woman involved, is Graner’s “girlfriend” and pregnant with his child.
Of course, the blame game has started with a vengeance. No one, absolutely no one in this morbid game is willing to take responsibility for what has happened. That is, except for Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush, neither of whom have anything to do with the absurdity of the situation, but two decent men who are trying to do the right thing.
Instead, all those involved on the ground, ranging from Brig General Karpinksi, to PFC England, insist it was someone else, some other person. We have “Big Steve.” I’m sure at some point we’ll also get the surprise appearance of the Abominable Snowman shouting orders at people, or the Grinch, of the Cat in the Hat, or perhaps it’s been Larry Flint.
In addition to the scourge of pornography, the lack of personal responsibility at first seems mind-boggling, but is not so surprising. We have all been inundated with a Leftist culture that drills into us that judgment is verboten; that standards of behavior are oppressive; that expecting more from people is racist, sexist or homophobic.
The Left has been obsessed with creating a culture that tells people nothing that happens to them is their fault. We see this reinforced all the time within our Injustice System.
I detail in my book
Nihilism and moral relativism has its grip on so many, and yet the good news is, the extraordinary news is, that so few in the military display the immorality the Left feeds on.
By counterpoint, the real story of Abu Ghraib is that our military, in its greatness and commitment to free people around the world, instills in 99.9 percent of its men and women in uniform the maturity, discipline and love of country which seems to help erase the depraved elements the Left has drilled into our young people now for decades.
We can choose to focus on the few who represent the worst, or we can remember that ours is a military that will not only save the world from itself and the Islamist-Fascists who dream of death and destruction. We can remember it is an American institution which creates “greatest generations,” not by accident, but by training, principles, love of country, and for most, love of God.
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