Shingles is a real problem that produces severe pain. But there are things that are not well appreciated about shingles.
One is that you can have it more than one time, so if you get it a second time the recommendations are that you go ahead and get a shingles vaccination, so you can prevent a third occurrence of shingles.
The other thing that is not recognized is that radiation therapy to the area of the nerve cells can stop shingles symptoms.
Another effective way of treating shingles pain with an over-the-counter product called Gold Bond with lidocaine and that works quite well.
Also, something that is not well-recognized is that after an episode of shingles, you can develop shingles neuropathy, which is a continuation of the pain, which can last up to a full year. That factor must be considered when you’re dealing with the singles episode.
Also, there is some data that is suggesting that an injection of lidocaine into the area of the origin of the pain may relieve the pain.
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