The recently released film, "Sound of Freedom" has made an impact.
This writer has been on the front row with those applauding it.
Producer Eduardo Verastegui has been a friend of this writer for decades
We discussed the film both before and after its release.
We greed that we need to emphasize a key point:
The awakening of conscience that the film is meant to evoke, has to embrace children at every age, including in the womb.
You may recall, Eduardo starred years ago in the film "Bella."
My team and I were privileged to assist in the creation and release of that impactful movie about the saving of a child from abortion.
Many children have been saved since it aired, just as many children will be saved thanks to the light that "Sound of Freedom" shines into the horrific world of child trafficking.
Evils like abortion and child trafficking thrive in darkness.
Those who perpetrate them are cloaked in lies.
Jesus teaches us that the devil is a liar and a murderer. (See: The Book John Ch. 8).
It's only when these evils are exposed, brought into the sunlight of human reason and conscience, that they can be addressed and stopped.
St. Paul teaches us, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness; rather, expose them." (Ephesians 5:11).
That's exactly what both of these films, "Bella" and "Sound of Freedom" do.
Together, they address two societal evils which degrade, exploit, and kill children — evils, indeed, on which this generation will be judged.
The awakening of conscience that we need urgently at this moment in America, and globally, has to be an integral one.
We need to protect children, and indeed all human life, at every stage — from every demonic attack threatening them.
The awakening of conscience needs to be integral, recognizing that to deny the right to life, and as well as deprive the respect due every human person, at any stage in life, is to break that principle.
That’s why everyone who watches "Sound of Freedom" should also watch "Bella."
Yet if we are honest with ourselves, it’s somehow easier to cry out against child trafficking than against abortion.
The reason is that far more people have been personally involved in — or think that they or a loved one might need — abortion than trafficking.
Far more lawmakers are eager — even proud — to advocate for abortion than for trafficking.
It is much easier to deny that a child in the womb is even a child at all. With trafficking, such denial is not so common.
And as hard as it is to come face to face with the horrors that "Sound of Freedom" exposes, it's even harder to sit and watch a video of an abortion.
It's this writer's ardent hope that those whose consciences have been awakened by "Sound of Freedom" will be equally awakened — if they aren’t already — by "Bella," and that those whose courage has been stirred to do something to save children from the horror of trafficking will be likewise stirred to courageous action to save children from the outright physical destruction comprising abortion.
Indeed, unless all children are protected, at all ages, they are all unrelentingly in grave danger.
Frank Pavone is one of the most prominent anti-abortion leaders globally. Read Frank Pavone Reports — More Here.
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