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What Causes Type 2 Diabetes?

By    |   Thursday, 16 July 2015 01:19 PM EDT

People with type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar levels because insulin production is inadequate or from insulin resistance when the body doesn’t use it properly.

Insulin comes from the pancreas, located behind and below the stomach. Normally, the insulin is secreted into the bloodstream and regulates the amount of glucose, or blood sugar, which enters the body’s cells, according to WebMD. Sugar enters the body through foods and is stored by the liver, which makes glucose for the body. The liver breaks down stored glucose to maintain adequate blood sugar levels in the body.

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The process does not work the way it is supposed to in individuals with type 2 diabetes, causing the sugar levels to build up in the bloodstream. The pancreas keeps producing more insulin, but the overworked cells in the pancreas become impaired and can’t produce enough insulin for the body’s needs, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The glucose builds up in the blood and robs the cells of the glucose it needs. The cells can’t function properly because of the lack of glucose. This causes the problems and symptoms diabetics face by damaging various areas in the body, Mayo said.

Heredity may be involved in the development of type 2 diabetes since the disorder often runs in families. Causes of type 2 diabetes may also involve various health risk factors, WebMD said.

Being overweight increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. A high-fat or carbohydrate diet, high alcohol intake, and a sedentary lifestyle play roles in increased weight and risk of diabetes. Some people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are able to control or eliminate diabetic symptoms by improving their diet with low-fat foods, but medication may also be necessary.

Causes for diabetes also include age. The risk increases for people starting at age 45 and rises significantly for people over age 65, WebMD said.

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People with type 2 diabetes have high blood sugar levels because insulin production is inadequate or from insulin resistance when the body doesn't use it properly.
type 2 diabetes, causes, symptoms
Thursday, 16 July 2015 01:19 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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