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Is Biden Administration Funding Atheists Abroad?

town square in the east

Durbar square in Kathmandu valley, Nepal.

Bill Donohue By Friday, 24 May 2024 11:58 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Congressional investigators recently uncovered that the State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor awarded a $500,000 grant to Humanists International (HI), an organization that promotes atheism.

While this money was supposed to be used to encourage religious tolerance particularly of minority faiths, and protect the religious liberties of people abroad, the Biden administration has gifted the funds to their radical atheist friends who actively undermine religious freedoms.

One glaring example of the programming this grant supports is HI's work in Nepal to "conduct advocacy and membership activities promoting humanism," and to "increase and diversify their membership work."

In other words, the State Department gave funding to HI to host a membership drive in Nepal. Here's why this is wrong on many levels:

Firstly, these types of grants were not designed to gain converts for a particular religion, but rather to ensure that the basic human freedom to be true to your faith is respected.

Yet somehow the Biden administration believes it is appropriate for the atheists to use this money to win "converts."

Rest assured that if some Catholic relief organization included proselytizing as part of its work the Biden administration would have pulled the plug on that programming.

Secondly, HI is a collection of some of the most rabid anti-Catholic organizations, and their disdain for religious liberty is palpable.

In the United States, the HI coalition includes American Atheists, the American Humanist Association, and the American Ethical Union along with several other organizations.

In addition to their participation with HI, these radicals also belong to the Coalition of Secular Americans.

Under Biden, these militant secularists have had greater access to the administration particularly through the Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Office.

Is it any wonder then, that HI received this grant?

Drawing inspiration from its anti-Catholic membership, HI has a history of attacking the Catholic Church.

While it's unsurprising that an atheist group would support abortion, transgenderism, and the radical LGBT agenda, HI has condemned Catholic teachings on these subjects and maintains the notion that the Church is a great impediment to human flourishing.

Finally, and most importantly, Nepal does not have a great record when it comes to protecting religious liberty. Even the State Department's most recent "Report on International Religious Freedom" notes several serious violations.

In the report, the State Department notes that in 2021 four Christians, including two Catholic nuns, were arrested for violating Nepal's law against proselytizing.

Additionally, Catholics in Nepal have noted an increase of inflammatory material on social media and a rise in discriminatory and divisive religious content on traditional media.

This has led many Catholics to conceal their faith from their local communities out of fear of discrimination and violent attacks.

Protestants and Muslims have noted similar violations of their rights as well.

According to its constitution, Nepal is a "secular country." While Hindus enjoy many privileges, atheists are largely accepted in Nepal as the Communists currently hold a majority in its parliament.

Fortunately, Reps. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, Chris Smith, R-N.J., and Brian Mast, R-Fla., recently called out the State Department for its support of HI.

While the State Department has promised to "take immediate action" and "recoup the misused funds," it is with good reason these three are skeptical that the State Department will follow through.

After all, the Biden administration has been placating these militant atheists for years, even using programs designed to help faith-based organizations to do so.

Dr. Bill Donohue is president and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. A former Heritage Foundation Bradley resident scholar, he has authored 10 books on civil liberties, social issues and religion. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology from New York University. Read Bill Donohue's Reports — More Here.

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According to its constitution, Nepal is a "secular country." While Hindus enjoy many privileges, atheists are largely accepted in Nepal as the Communists currently hold a majority in its parliament.
nepal, christians, catholic
Friday, 24 May 2024 11:58 AM
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