President Donald J. Trump did the right thing by stiffing the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) and its annual pretentious dinner. Held at the end of April or early May each year, the event has the near aura of yesterday night’s Hollywood Oscars, only it's generally for ugly people. Having participated by invitation on one occasion, I have personal experience in being in the presence of the “beautiful people” of the Washington press corps, by and large a bunch of self aggrandizing pompous leftist journalistic clowns who spend the evening patting themselves on the back — and sometimes in more private places — mocking the likes of The Donald and movement conservatives.
Many years ago, at the end of the Clinton presidency, I was invited by my late good friend, Paul Rodriquez, then the editor of Insight Magazine of The Washington Times, to sit as his table. At that time, as head of Judicial Watch I had just uncovered a massive cover-up of over a million emails that the Clinton White House had suppressed which were relevant to my cases, as well as the independent counsel’s investigations of Bill and Hillary’s corruption. I also had just blocked the sale of the Clintons’ house in Chappaqua, New York, having brought a derivative shareholder class action lawsuit against Deutsch Bank which was about to illegally finance a mortgage with a below interest preferential loan (i.e., a bribe) — not coincidentally the German bank which had financed the death camps of Hitler’s Holocaust. In short, the president and first lady were not pleased with me to put it mildly.
Paul seated me at his table next to Matt Drudge, who was wearing a tee shirt with a picture of one of Attorney General Janet Reno’s armed federal agent goons pointing a gun in the face of Elian Gonzalez, as her Justice Department, via ICE, was snatching the boy from his uncle’s house in Little Havana, Miami. Matt had the bright idea of not only flashing Janet with his tee shirt, but also going over to the table where the cast of NBC’s hit drama “West Wing” was sitting. "West Wing" was of course a take off of the Clinton White House, and its leftist President Bartlett, played by Martin Sheen, the Hollywood equivalent of Bill Clinton, sans sex scandal. The executive producer, Aaron Sorkin, and his writers had also created a character after me, one Harry Klaypool of Freedom Watch — a conservative activist lawyer who was taking the Clinton White House to the mat over drug usage. On a recent episode the White House Counsel, played by Rob Lowe, had threatened to bust Klaypool like a Pinatta. See videos at
When Matt and I arrived at the cast of "West Wing’s" table, positioned right in front of the dias where Bill and Hillary were seated, I encountered Martin Sheen. Putting my arm on his shoulder, I wryly whispered to him, “Martin, I want you to meet the real Harry Klaypool, adding “are you going to bust me as a pinatta next season?” His response, “Larry we are more concerned with Aaron having been busted,” making reference to Sorkin having been busted for drug possession the week before in Los Angeles.
When I finished trading barbs with Sheen, I turned to Matt and suggested that we both walk up to the cord which separated the ballroom from the dias, which was about 20 feet away from where the president and first lady were seated and kibitzing with their guests. There I stared at the first couple and while Hillary was busy talking to a woman at her left, Bill cocking his head like a caged gorilla, stared back with a piercing glance. Matt commented. “Have you ever seen anything so evil!” After about 35 seconds, the then-president turned away and Matt and I walked back to Insight Magazine’s table. Once seated, instantaneously men in black suits with earphones began circling our table. There were U.S. Secret Service, obviously sent by Bill. This was obviously a message not to mess with the Clintons, and that they ruled the school at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.
The moral to this story is simple: the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and its leftist WHCA is a place that conservatives are generally not welcome. Much like the Oscars, Trump is right to allow them to wallow alone in their self pity for having lost in last year's presidential election.
The president did the right thing! Why offer himself up to a lynching party before a crowd of very small and cheap media leftists. Go to your room and party on boys and girls, without the prestige of the Office of the President of the United States!
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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