There are usually five key areas that need to be treated to eliminate muscle/myofascial pain.
- Sleep: Get adequate sleep, preferably eight to nine hours a night. Sleep replenishes the body's energy and heals its muscles. Inadequate sleep will leave you exhausted and in pain.
- Hormonal support: Get tested for hormone deficiency and treated if needed. Hormone deficiencies can contribute to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Infections: Get treatment when symptoms of infections occur. The lack of restorative sleep in CFS/fibromyalgia leads to dysfunctional immune systems. Underlying viral, bacterial, bowel, sinus and yeast infections are common and can be a contributing cause or result of CFS/fibromyalgia.
- Nutritional Support: Optimal nutritional supplementation is essential. Many nutrients can be depleted as a result of CFS/fibromyalgia. B-12, magnesium, acetyl L-carnitine and glutathione, as well as your basic A, B, C and D vitamins need to be supplemented at a level that your average over the counter multivitamin cannot provide.
- Exercise: Exercise as able. After 10 weeks on the four steps above, you will be able to slowly increase your exercise without being wiped out the next day!
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