The quadruple bypass surgery that former President Bill Clinton underwent in 2005 lead to a radical change in his lifestyle, Chelsea Clinton says.
"He went to the doctor recently," Clinton told Marlo Thomas on her Internet show,
"Mondays with Marlo." "And his doctor told him that his heart today is much younger than it was even 10 years ago."
Top Doctor: Slash Heart Attack Risk 81 Percent
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The former president's health improved after he decided to become a vegan and lost more than 30 pounds in an effort to combat heart disease, which she says was a decision he made entirely on his own.
"I am very grateful that my father decided to get healthy," Clinton said.
"I think having a quadruple bypass surgery was sufficiently sobering. And I am profoundly grateful that he really radically changed his life," she said.
"He walks four times a week diligently wherever he is in the world," Clinton added.
Clinton said that his heart issues have lead her father to become an health advocate for other men "and men in particular to go to the doctors, as he did when he started to not feel well. And then to make the necessary changes in their life so hopefully they can live a long time."
Top Doctor: Slash Heart Attack Risk 81 Percent
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