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Chaos Is Contagious and Destroying Our Schools

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Michael Reagan By with Michael R. Shannon Saturday, 04 November 2023 06:51 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Today it’s time for Reason No. 572: Why you should get your kids out of government (read: public schools) — Immediately.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., (more like gruesome) is at it again.

PJ Media found, "California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that bans a student being suspended for 'willful defiance.'"

But look on the bright side, "students can still be suspended for assaulting a teacher, using or selling drugs, theft, or bullying."

But not bullying the teacher.

Putting it in practical terms, the student who refuses to stay in his seat, won’t put away his cellphone, continues interrupting the teacher, carries on a conversation with another "student," leaves or enters the classroom without permission, sings or hums or watches videos with the sound on, or plays the drums on his desk or refuses to follow any order from the teacher will continue to remain in class.

This vacuum of authority will soon be filled.

And because chaos is contagious, this individual and his followers will soon destroy any vestige of learning environment for the poor unfortunates forced to remain in class with him.

The classroom will soon become a lowest common denominator hellhole.

Demoralizing teachers and hindering students.

For a system of government repeated called a "democracy" our elitist rulers rarely pay attention to the majority.

Instead official government police is always the minority tail that wags the majority dog.

Naturally, there is a reason for this law sabotaging learning.

The author of this travesty is State Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-9th Dist., Calif.

Yep! You've guessed it! She hails from Berkeley.

Her explanation?

"Instead of kicking them out of school, we owe it to students to figure out what’s causing them to act out and help them fix it.

"The punishment for missing school should not be to miss more school. Students, especially those with behavioral issues, need to be in school where teachers and counselors can help them succeed."

All Aboard The Root Cause Express!

Allowing Antifa adolescents to stay in class is a concept strongly supported by racial bean counters. Since most of the students suspended for defiance are minorities, punishing them for their defiance is racist.

Therefore, educrats decide to punish the students that aren’t defiant.

Students with behavioral issues need discipline, not indulgence.

They should be removed from the classroom and to keep Sen. Skinner happy, placed in a non-classroom setting where they can explore their feelings and defy the counselor.

Coddling the disruptive only generates more disruption.

Quiet, well-behaved students deserve better. And they won’t get it, because it’s impossible to reason with these race–obsessed leftists.

The Los Angeles Times reports, "Los Angeles County Unified School District (LACUSD) has seen a catastrophic fall in enrollment, losing 100,000 students since 2016."

We say that’s not enough.

Parents who care about their children’s education and their children’s future need to get their kids out of government schools.


Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.

Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.

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Students with behavioral issues need discipline, not indulgence. They should be removed from the classroom. Coddling the disruptive only generates more disruption.
newsom, class
Saturday, 04 November 2023 06:51 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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