Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, currently seeking the Republican nomination for president, laid blame for the shooting death of a sheriff's deputy in Houston, Texas over the weekend at the feet of President Barack Obama,
The Dallas Morning News reports.
"Cops across this country are feeling the assault," Cruz told reporters after a campaign event in Milford, N.H. on Monday. "They're feeling the assault from the president, from the top on down, as we see — whether it’s in Ferguson or Baltimore, the response from senior officials, the president or the attorney general, is to vilify law enforcement. That’s wrong. It’s fundamentally wrong. It’s endangering all of our safety and security."
Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth was killed on Friday at a gas station. Shannon J. Miles is being held without bond in Goforth's killing.
"These are brave heroes who risk their lives keeping us safe. And I do think we’re seeing the manifestation of the rhetoric and vilification of law enforcement, of police, that is coming from the president of the United States and it’s coming from senior officials," Cruz said.
Cruz said he is proud to stand with law enforcement.
"We need a president who doesn’t attack and vilify them, and who doesn’t seek to tear us apart along racial lines, to inflame racial divisions, he said.
Harris County Sheriff
Ron Hickman has blamed the group Black Lives Matter for inciting the killing. People carrying a Black Lives Matter banner in St. Paul, Minn., over the weekend
can been seen in a video chanting, "Pigs in a blanket. Fry 'em like bacon" one day after the deputy's killing.
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