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Newsmax's Top 75 Religion Bloggers

Newsmax's Top 75 Religion Bloggers
(Casaltamoiola/Dollar Photo Club)

By    |   Tuesday, 15 September 2015 09:37 AM EDT

Online blogging has been on the rise over the last few years, and one of the most popular angles that modern bloggers take in their writing is looking at the world through the eyes of faith — whatever that faith may be — thus indicating that faith and spirituality still play a significant role in how Americans view themselves and the world around them.

Below is Newsmax’s look at the top 75 faith-based bloggers spanning several of the United States’ most popular religions. Each blogger was considered through a variety of general factors including reach, popularity, and cultural significance, as well as through more specific factors such as RSS membership, readership statistics, Twitter followers, and Facebook likes. Entries were filtered in order to ensure that multiple religions were represented and included, as well as various subsets of mainline denominations and sects.

1. Ann Voskamp — Voskamp, the best-selling Christian author of “One Thousand Gifts,” writes with a raw sensitivity and gratitude for the amazing grace and goodness of God that she sees around her every day in life’s joys and sorrows alike in "A Holy Experience."

Some examples of recent posts include:

“When You Want to Walk Through the Hardest Part of Following Jesus”
“When You’re Ready to Make Your Space about Grace instead of Perfectionism”

2. Dr. Albert Mohler — Mohler is the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and he is widely recognized an influential evangelical leader. He is also known for his commentary on a wide range of topics pertaining to pressing moral, cultural, and theological issues.

“Permanence before Experience: The Wisdom of Marriage”
“Carnal Knowledge: Art in an Age without Moral Limits”

3. Rachel Held Evans — Evans, the best-selling author of books “Faith Unraveled, “A Year of Biblical Womanhood,” and “Searching for Sunday,” is known for her controversial and polarizing views on feminism, women’s roles in the church, LGBT issues, and other contentious social, cultural, and moral topics. She has more than 64,000 followers on Twitter and 50,000 fans on Facebook.

“Why a Seminary Degree Doesn’t Have to Make You A Jerk”
“What Brought Me Back to Church”

Dr. Russell Moore — Moore is the current president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he is a widely sought-after cultural commentator and speaker at the forefront of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.

“The Sexual Revolution’s Coming Refugee Crisis”
“Why the Church Should Neither Cave Nor Panic about the Decision on Gay Marriage”

David Hayward — Hayward’s personal religious history spans everything from Anglicans and Presbyterians to Baptists and Pentecostals. After more than 30 years in ministry, Hayward launched an online resource called “The Lasting Supper” for those who are seeking independence, companionship, and support for their spiritual journeys.

“Unity Through Love, Not Compatibility”
“When Theology Gets in the Way of Love”

6. Jeremy Myers — Myers seeks to offer his readers “freedom from religion” as they heal from past wounds suffered at the hands of dogmatic doctrines and their legalistic applications. His stated purpose in blogging is to show that God is a redeemer and that God Himself can be redeemed from the shackles of religion for those who earnestly seek after Him.

“Since Grace is Free, YES . . . You CAN just go sin all you want”
“Unity vs. Uniformity in the Church”

7. Robert P. George — George is a McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, and a featured author on First Things, which declares itself to be “America’s most influential journal of religion and public life,” according to its website. George himself has been declared to be one of the most influential modern conservative Christian writers through his work and research on the philosophy of law and Catholicism.

“On Marriage, Protect Freedom for All”
“The Courage to Stand for Principle”

8. Tim Challies — Challies serves as the pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Ontario and is the co-founder of Cruciform Press. He has also written three books and reviews books for WORLD Magazine. Challies began writing daily for his blog in 2003 as a reformed evangelical.

“3 Errors of Musical Style that Stifle Community”
“Overcoming Your Natural Atheism”

9. Sarah Bessey — Bessey is a Canadian author, a wife, a mother of four, and what she calls a “Jesus Feminist.” She believes that the best way to reach a wide variety of people is through tapping into common experiences and emotions through the art of storytelling, and there’s nothing she loves more than writing about her family and what she’s learned along the way. Bessey is consistently ranked among the top Christian bloggers.

“In Which I’m a Feminist, Sure, But First I’m a Disciple of Christ”
“The Story That Makes Room for All of Us”

10. Dr. John Piper — Piper is a popular speaker, author, and writer of 50 well-known books, including, “Desiring God,” “Don’t Waste Your Life,” “Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die,” and many more. He was the senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minnesota for 33 years up until 2013. He founded Desiring God, where he and many other contributors blog about the Christian faith and its relevance today.

“Why Would God Choose Me?”
“Joy Is Free, But Not Cheap”

11. Edward C. Lee — The goal of Lee’s blog is to help build and encourage strong, selfless, Christ-centered marriages to flourish in the church. He believes in God’s ability to work miracles, change lives, and save marriages. Lee writes from his daily experiences and observations, as well as the wisdom and insights he has gleaned from the Scriptures.

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“Christian Men and Sexual Frustration”
“When Will God Answer the Prayers of Your Marriage”

John L. Allen, Jr. — Allen is the associate editor for Crux, and he is a reporter who specializes in covering the Catholic Church and the Vatican. He is also an associate editor for The Boston Globe, and a senior Vatican analyst for CNN, and he was also a correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. As a popular speaker on Catholic affairs across the globe, Allen has written nine books, including, “The Global War on Christians,” “The Catholic Church: What Everyone Needs to Know,” and “The Future Church.”

“A Media Guide to Pope Francis’ Trip to America”
“Beware of Unintended Consequences on the Divorced and Remarried”

13. Rich Kirkpatrick — Kirkpatrick’s blog has been consistently ranked amongst the top 50 Christian blogs since 2005, and he seeks to synthesize and catalyze creative influencers to grow and strengthen the Christian faith. Kirkpatrick has served as an associate pastor, worship leader, communications director, and church planter, and he attempts to bring clarity and practicality to discussions of theology and morality.

“Fear: Media’s Motivator, Our Trap”
“Rockstar Monk: The Role of the Worship Leader?”

14. Rabbi Rachel Barenblat — Barenblat has blogged at the Velveteen Rabbi since 2003, and Time magazine named her blog as one of its top 25 blogs in its first annual blog index. Although she did not begin this blog as a rabbi herself, she has since become ordained as a rabbi and now serves in a Jewish congregation in Massachusetts.

“Ruth: Returning Where We’ve Never Been”
“Facing Impermanence”

Donald Miller — Miller is an author, blogger, and speaker who grew up in Texas and left home when he was 21 to travel until he ran out of money in Portland, Oregon, where he lives today. He uses his troubled past and painful honesty to inform his writing as he seeks to reach out to those who are lost or hurting in this world. His autobiography, “Blue Like Jazz,” has been made into a movie.

“Overcoming the Overwhelming Tendency to Panic”
“What the Confederate Flag Means and What We Can Learn from the Fiasco”

16. Dr. Thom Rainer — Rainer is the president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources, the founding dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism, and the author of 24 books. He has spoken at hundreds of venues over the past 20 years, and his writing and speaking address the social, cultural, and moral issues that face the church and its effective ministry today.

“Seven Key Reasons Your Church Attendance May Be Declining”
“Six Simple Things a First-Time Church Guest Likes”

Ron Edmondson — Edmondson is a pastor and church planter who seeks to aid and strengthen other pastors and their strategic church ministries. He also founded a non-profit organization called “Mustard Seed Ministry” that provides devotional resources and seminars for churches and families.

"8 Killers of Motivation — and Ultimately Killers of Momentum”
"7 Ways to Parent with Grace”

18. Denny Burk — Burk is a professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College and serves as the associate pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He engages with the politics, theology, and culture of this day and age, and he seeks to find relevant and timely connections between faith and the lives and work of those around him.

“What Are Our Options in Post-Obergefell America?”
“Southern Baptists and the Burden of History”

19. Doug Wilson — This blog was named tongue-in-cheek after the reference to Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 34, and Wilson keeps the cheek and humor going in this blog that seeks to provide and examine “theology that bites back” through what he calls a “Chestertonian Calvinism” as it pertains to life, culture, faith, marriage, politics, postmodernism, and other religions.

“Children of the Rainbow”
“The One Thing Bruce Jenner Got Right”

20. Frank Viola — Viola is a speaker, writing consultant, and the author of more than 20 books. The purpose of his blog is to offer a fresh perspective on subjects that are as old as time itself by making the Bible and its Savior come alive anew for those who diligently seek after Him.

“Bad Christian: On Being Challenged”
“What to Do When Other Christians Hurt You — 8 Responses”

21. Kurt Willems — Willems is the founding pastor for Pangea Communities, and his writings focus on peace, justice, and hope and how they relate to Anabaptism within post-Christendom. He seeks to help his readers see a peaceful, loving, and countercultural Jesus who powerfully engages with the present times as He has in the past ages.

“A Prayer from a Pacifist on Memorial Day”
“Husbands, Crucify Your Privilege: Ephesians 5 & How Men Take the Lead”

22. T. E. Hanna — As an author, pastor, and blogger, Hanna strives to illuminate authentic Christianity in an age that has fallen away from its timeless truths and reclaim faith in a culture hostile to Christianity.

"3 Reasons Why I Gave Up Christian Apologetics”
“Perspective: How to See Past the Wounds of the Moment”

23. Abdul Wadud — Wadud is from South India and is a prolific Islamic speaker. His Muslim blog is geared towards promoting the “beauty” of Islam.

“When Relationships Are Torn Apart!”
“The Scar of Revering Piety”

24. Kristen Welch — Welch is a Christian “mommy blogger” who writes about the struggles, triumphs, sorrows, and joys of an ordinary, faith-filled family. She seeks to show grace to the women struggling to hold their lives together alongside the wellbeing of their families, and she does so through raw honesty and humor.

“The Christian Parent Manifesto”
“It’s Okay to Not Be Okay”

25. Lisa TerKeurst — A blogger, annual keynote speaker at more than 40 events, and author of 16 books including the best-selling “Made to Crave” and “The Best Yes,” TerKeurst is the president of Proverbs 32 Ministries. She and her husband made many television appearances after adopting two teenage boys from war-torn Liberia. Although her background is filled with abuse and abandonment, TerKeurst found healing and redemption in Jesus Christ and seeks to share that grace and love with her readers.

“Day 1 in the Holy Land: What I Learned from the Olive Tree”
“Dare to Be a Little More Uncommon”

26. Jen Hatmaker — As an author, speaker, and blogger, Hatmaker uses her platform to reach people under the belief that words can change lives and bring healing, restoration, and peace. Hatmaker strives to see God in the broken people around her and engage her community in thoughtful discussions and encouragement.

“Relational Repair for ‘The Difficult’”
“Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet”

27. Michael Hyatt — Hyatt has been blogging since 2004, and his book, “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World,” is a best-seller. He caters to high achievers and those pursuing success in their lives, work, and ministries.

“Why You Don’t Have to Be a Jerk to Win at Work: 4 Ways Kindness Can Give You an Edge in Business”
“3 Reasons I Hate Text Messages”

28. Vincent Horn — Horn works to translate the wisdom of the past into a 21st-century code for his readers, and he also started Buddhist Geeks, a media project that explores how Buddhism intersects with technology and the global culture at large.

“#Hashtag Meditation”
“Facebook and the Next Generation of Buddhist Communities”

29. Shauna Niequist — Niequist wrote “Bittersweet,” “Bread & Wine,” and “Cold Tangerines,” and she is also a guest blogger on several other blogs in addition to maintaining and writing her own. She believes in the power of family, food, and community. Her three informal tenets of belief include vulnerable storytelling, hard laughter, and cold pizza as the cure for all ills.

“On Bethlehem & the Beginning of Something”
“The Pain Recedes & We Carry It Together”

30. Margaret Feinberg — Feinberg, a popular speaker, author, and teacher, describes herself as a “hot mess.” Christianity Today named her one of the top 50 women who shape the culture and the church today. Her struggle with cancer has informed much of her writing as she champions the pursuit of faith-filled joy in all circumstances.

“5 Things Beekeeping Taught Me About God”
“Did Jesus Really Call You to Live a Better Story?”

31. Dr. Scot McKnight — McKnight is a well-known and respected authority on early Christianity, the New Testament, and the historicity of Jesus, and he has written more than 50 books, including “The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others.”

“The Courts Vindicate Grammar”

32. Ikram Hawramani — Hawramani is from Iraq and lives in Michigan, and he is a translator, programmer, designer, and writer.

“Should I Be a Muslim? Some Answers for Doubtful People”
“My Comments on Media Outlets Refusing to Publish the Prophet Muhammad Cartoons”

Dr. Tony Jones — Jones teaches theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, and he has written many books on Christian ministry and spirituality, including, “Did God Kill Jesus? Searching for Love in History’s Most Famous Execution.”

“Ditching God, Staying Christian”
“Did Jesus Die for Satan, Too?”

Dr. Justin Taylor — Taylor is the senior vice president and publisher at Crossway, and he has penned and edited several books of his own. Taylor focuses on pressing moral, social, and political developments, as well as everyday struggles and doubts that Christians face.

“A Theology of Singleness”
“What Does It Feel Like to Fear a God Who Is For You?”

35. Kevin DeYoung — DeYoung is the senior pastor at University Reformed Church in Michigan and has written several books, as well. He, too, seeks to engage the culture with pertinent discussions on questions pertaining to faith in the modern world.

“40 Questions for Christians Now Waving Rainbow Flags”
“So How Do I Really Know I’m a Christian?”

36. Rod Dreher — Dreher is a senior editor at “The American Conservative,” and his writing and commentary focuses particularly on social and cultural conservatism. He has been widely published and broadcasted, and his writing has appeared in numerous publications.

“The Crises We Don’t See”
“Sex & the Kingdom of the Self”

37. Dr. Rocco Palmer — Palmer is one of global Catholicism’s most prominent scholars, and he has been a blogger since 2004. He was a former U.S. correspondent for the London-based publication The Tablet, and he has been a long-time church analyst for The New York Times, BBC, NPR, CNN, and The Washington Post. He also co-chaired the first Vatican conference on social media in 2011.

“A Profound Turning Point" — On Marriage, The Court Rules . . . and The Church Responds”
“To Priests, On ‘Our Weariness . . . Our Pastoral Tiredness.’”

38. Nadia Bolz-Weber — Bolz-Weber is the mission developer for House for All Sinners and Saints (HFASS) in Denver and is the author of several well-known books, including her memoir, “Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint.” She is known for her adherence to progressive Christianity, her foul mouth, tattoos, and her open acceptance of all sinners.

“The Truth About Sheep”
“Sermon on ‘Us’ and ‘Them’”

39. Shravasti Dhammika — Dhammika started the Dhamma Musings blog in 2008 and writes his observations and musings about society, history, and culture through his life as a Buddhist monk for 32 years. He also serves as the spiritual advisor to the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society in Singapore.

“Should Buddhists Be Ambitious?”
“The Bud in the Hood”

40. Dr. Peter Enns — Enns taught at Westminster Theological Seminary, as well as Harvard University and Princeton Theological Seminary, among several others, and is currently a faculty member of Eastern University with specialties in Old Testament Theology, Wisdom Literature, the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament, and many others.

“Let’s Talk about Sexual Purity and Evangelical Anxiety, Shall We?”
“Discovering the Futility of Existence at My High School Reunion”

Dr. Roger Olson — Olson is an Arminian-leaning Baptist theologian who professes to be influenced by Pietism. He currently teaches at the George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University.

“Who Decides Who’s a Christian?”
“Confessions of an Egalitarian Complementarian”

42. Lisa-Jo Baker — Baker, the author of “Surprised by Motherhood: Everything I Never Expected about Being a Mom,” writes primarily about motherhood and its intersection with her Christian faith.

“What If You Actually Are Already Living ‘The Good Life?’”
“How Not to Take Your Life for Granted”

43. Trevin Wax — Wax is the managing editor of The Gospel Project at LifeWay Christian Resources, and is a contributor to many publications, including The Washington Post, Christianity Today, and Religion News Service. He is a former missionary to Romania, and he was recently named by Christianity Today as one of 33 Millennials leading the next generation of evangelicalism.

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“4 Questions Christians Should Ask About Cultural Engagement”
“A God Who Wants Us”

44. Simcha Fisher — Fisher is a Catholic freelance writer and mother of nine with a Jewish heritage. She speaks particularly about marriage, large families, and feminism’s intersection with Christianity, education, and many other pertinent cultural and moral topics.

“Is Your Facebook Feed the Sea of Galilee or the Dead Sea?”
“Am I My Brother’s Enabler?”

45. Mary DeMuth — DeMuth grew up facing bullying, abuse, rape, suicidal thoughts, and the death of her beloved father. Her past struggles inform her writing as she seeks to illuminate the grace, redemption, and hope that Christ offers those who seek after Him.

Your Unfinished Story”
“God Sends Us to Hard Places”

46. Amy Julia Becker — Becker is a life-long lover of writing and poetry, and she pursued professional and informal writing as her vocation. She writes particularly about hope, grief, cancer, disability, family issues, Christian theology, and more, as well as the intersection of all those topics into a single human life.

“Want a Better Devotional Life? Buy a Bird Feeder”
“How Christians Should Talk about Sex”

Sheridan Voysey — Voysey has been a popular writer, speaker, blogger, and broadcaster for more than 18 years. He has written five books and, until 2011, served as the host of “Open House,” an Australian syndicated Sunday radio talk show. His writing is thoughtful and deeply reflective as he seeks to make sense of life and fathom God’s goodness and mercy.

“What Makes You Happy? Whatever it is, it Points to Something Greater”
“Coming Face-to-Face with My 17-Year-Old Self”

48. Matthew Smith — Smith converted to Sunni Islam as a young adult and now lives in south London. He is the author of QTM, a desktop content management client, and he blogs about politics, tech, and media from his religious perspective.

“No, We’re Not ‘Quietly; Condoning’ ISIS:
“It’s Always Different When It’s You”

Tom Gilson — Gilson writes extensively about the Bible, science, philosophy, strategy, and ethics on his blog, and he seeks to synthesize all these topics with the pressing issues facing Christians and the church today.

“Transgender, Transgressive: ‘Vested Interest Masquerading as a Moral Principle’”
“What Is Marriage, If ‘Marriage Equality’ Is Real?”

Mark Lamprecht — Lamprecht is the head of the editorial staff at the Trinity Counseling and Educational Center, and he began blogging in 2004 before starting the Pulpit Supply Preachers ministry. His goal is to provide a winsome and accessible approach to topics concerning Christianity and its relevance today.

“Loving Bruce Jenner”
“Can Christians Be Happy?”

Matt and Madeleine Flannagan — The Flannagans write from a Reformed evangelical understanding of Christianity, and both were founding members of a civil liberties student group called Student Choice. The couple also serves as pastors as well.

“Do as I Say, Not as I Do: Is God a Cosmic Hypocrite?”
“A Feline View of the Eythphro Dilemma”

Father Z — John Zuhlsdorf is a Traditionalist Catholic priest with the Diocese of Madison, and his blog focuses on the celebration of the traditional elements of the Catholic faith.

“WDTPRS: 15th Ordinary Sunday – Be Living Lenses of God’s Light!”
“Where Is the Liberal ‘C’atholic Anger at Insult to the Pope and the Church?”

53. James Ure Ure is a Zen Buddhist in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, and he is also influenced by Secular Humanism and Taoism.

“An Atheistic Buddhist”
“Buddhism or Zealotry?”

54. Benjamin Corey — Corey is a conservative evangelical-turned-fundamentalist-turned-Anabaptist who is currently completing his doctorate at Fuller Seminary in missiology. He is also a retired professional military education instructor with the U.S. Air Force.

“Independence Day: Should Christians Celebrate, or Not?”
“Gay Marriage is the Law of the Land- And God Isn’t Going to Freak Out About It”

55. Elizabeth Scalia — Scalia is the managing editor of the Catholic Portal at Patheos, and she is a Benedictine Oblate, as well as an award-winning writer, author, and columnist.

“Of Otherness, Gay Marriage, Rights and Offices”
“In Praise of a Brood-less God”

56. Christian Piatt — Piatt, author of the books, “Banned Questions about the Bible,” “Banned Questions about Jesus,” and his autobiography, “Pregmancy: A Dad, a Little Dude, and a Due Date,” is also an editor, speaker, and musician.

“How I Went From Texas Baptist to LGBTQ Advocate”
“Following Jesus Isn’t About Belief. It’s about Walking.”

57. Emily Freeman — Freeman served as a sign language interpreter after graduating from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where she received her degree in educational interpreting for the deaf. She has written four books and has been blogging since 2006.

“How Being Specific Is Changing the World”
“For When You Just Can’t Let It Go”

58. Marc Barnes — Barnes began his Bad Catholic blog in 2010, and he writes with philosophical provocation, humor, and sarcasm. He has been compared to G.K. Chesterton and J.R.R. Tolkien in his writings, although he is currently only 21. He also says that he allows “everything” in his comment rules.

“Eucharistic Eyes”
“The Blessings of Secularism”

59. Scotty Smith — Smith planted and pastored Christ Community Church in Tennessee for 26 years before becoming a teacher in residence on the staff of West End Community Church. He serves as an adjunct faculty for five seminaries across the country and has written six books, including “Unveiled Hope (with Michael Card),” “Objects of His Affection, Restoring Broken Things (with Steven Curtis Chapman),” and “Everyday Prayers: 365 Days to Gospel Centered Faith.”

“A Prayer for Responding to the Gift and Wonder of God’s Jealousy”
“A Prayer for Faith to Keep Hoping When We’re Weary of Hoping”

60. Fred Clark — Clark is a Baptist who markets himself as a snarky, liberal, evolutionist, pro-choice Christian with qualms against fundamentalist Christianity.

“I Believe That I Shall See the Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living”
“Baptist White Supremacy and Luther’s Anti-Semitism”

61. James MacDonald — MacDonald planted Harvest Bible Chapel and the Harvest Bible Fellowship church, and he began the radio program “Walk in the Word.” He is also the author of several books.

“The Gospel Changes Everything”
“From Agony to Glory”

62. Beth Moore — Moore founded Living Proof Ministries in 1994 and has written numerous books and Bible studies that are popular internationally.

“Let’s Not Be a They”
“An Invitation to Imagine”

63. John Acuff — Acuff is the author of “Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck,” a New York Times best-seller, as well as several other books. He is a prolific speaker, as well as a guest speaker for several major news networks.

“The World Didn’t Have to be Amazing.”
“Christmas Doesn’t Make Sense. Thank Goodness.”

64. Glennon Melton — Melton is a New York Times best-selling author, award-winning blogger, speaker, and the founder of Together Rising, a non-profit organization that helps women get back up on their feet. Melton herself struggled with a past addiction to drugs, alcohol, and sex before finding grace.

“The Storm Before the Calm Is a Good Place to Start”
“Grace Is Good Enough for Us”

65. Joshua Becker — Becker blogs about his family’s choice to intentionally pursue a life of rational minimalism while seeking the abundant life.

“The Pieces We Allow Into Our Lives”
“A Life Worth Waking Up for”

66. Ponn Sabra — Sabra blogs to help empower, enlighten, and educate Muslim moms to take action in the world, and her blog is ranked No. 1 as the top Muslim mom blog in the world.

“I Don’t Know . . . but, Thankfully, Allah Knows Best!”
“You Don’t Have to Be a Minimalist to Practice Sustainability”

67. Jamie Wright — Wright speaks and expresses ideas about ordinary people with a humbling honesty about herself and her own relatable day-to-day experiences.

“Giving Life to Life-Giving Work”
“Seriously Serious. (My night undercover in the SE Asian sex-trade.)”

Ed Stetzer — Stetzer is the executive director of LifeWay Research, a church planter, prolific author, and speaker.

“Why I Keep Saying ‘No’”
“Loving Individuals Who Are Hurting: Tips on Navigating Trauma and Grief”

69. Sarah Mae — Mae is the author of books including “Desperate – Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe,” and “Longing for Paris.” She helped to co-found and co-host Allume, a women’s social media conference. Mae has also written about how she dealt with guilt, regret, and forgiveness in the wake of having an abortion at age 16.

“You Can Be Anywhere You Want to Be”
“Letting Our Children See Our Humanity”

70. Sally Clarkson — Clarkson is an author, blogger, speaker, and singer who seeks to share her love for God by connecting with others.

“Conflict Without, Comfort Within”
“Are Christians Addicted to Mediocrity?”

71. Jennie Allen — Allen is the founder and visionary for IF: Gathering, and her goal is to inspire new generations of women to pursue a passionate relationship with God through finding their unique purpose in life. She is a prolific author, blogger, and speaker.

“How to Not Miss the Perfect Love of Imperfect Dads”
“Why (I Think) Everyone Should Have a Counselor”

72. Zack Hunt— Hunter is an author, speaker, and blogger, and he has been involved in youth ministry for many years. He is also a freelance writer who has blogged for The Huffington Post.

“The Scandal of a Crucified God (A Good Friday Reflection)”
“What Really Hurts the Church’s Witness”

73. Aziz Poonwalla — Poonwalla is a member of the Dawoodi Bohra Muslim community, and he is based in Wisconsin. The title of his blog, “City of Brass,” refers to a story in the “Thousand and One Nights” poem by Rudyard Kipling.

“A Case Study for Paternalism and Good Intentions”
“Have Yourself a Very Merry Mawlid al-Nabil”

74. Abhilash Rajendran — Rajendran is a student of Sanatana Dharma and lives in India, writing and speaking about topics through a Hinduism lens.

“Beware of Fake Swamis and Hindu God Men”
“Understanding Hinduism”

75. Mugo — Mugo is a disciple and Dharma Heir, and she was ordained at Shasta Abbey in California. She serves with the international OBC Lay Ministry Adviser, and she lives a monastic Soto Zen lifestyle.

“Such Sweet-Sadness”
“Every Day – Is Every day – Is a Good Day”

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Online blogging has been on the rise over the last few years, and one of the most popular angles that modern bloggers take in their writing is looking at the world through the eyes of faith. Here is Newsmax's look at the top 75 faith-based bloggers.
religion, bloggers, newsmax, list, faith
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 09:37 AM
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