Simply stated, colloidal silver supplements consist of particles suspended in an aqueous solution. They are typically taken orally in the hope of strengthening the immune system or fighting illnesses and infections.
According to Natural News, silver works as a catalyst that disables an enzyme facilitating actions inside cells, which is necessary of anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast, and molds. This destroys pathogens and makes it impossible for them to duplicate. Silver is not destroyed in the process, making it possible for it to work again in another cell.
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A growing number of people are turning to this natural supplement over concerns about antibiotics becoming ineffective,
according to the Deseret News.
Using silver to treat diseases is hardly a new development.
According to, its roots can be traced to the ancient Greeks, who realized richer families — who ate with silverware — were less likely to become ill than the poor.
Colloidal silver has been used since the 1800s to treat things from colds to skin infections, Natural News said.
Recent research, however, seems to indicate colloidal silver supplements do not have the claimed medical benefits. In 2007, Harvard Health Publications published a newsletter indicating there are not any effective or safe reasons for taking colloidal silver supplements.
In fact, Harvard's research indicates the supplements could carry substantial side effects including argyria (discoloration of the skin), kidney problems, headaches, and far more rarely, neurological conditions.
Some tout the dissenting views as protection from the Food and Drug Administration to pharmaceutical companies in an effort for them to not lose their clients, Natural News suggests, leaving the debate over colloidal silver supplements still in the air.
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