Michael Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, has not only strongly endorsed Bill McCollum in his race against Rick Scott for the Republican gubernatorial nomination in Florida, he’s also taking to the TV air waves with a hard-hitting ad.
In the ad sponsored by the League of Florida Voters, a state-wide election committee, Reagan declares that as a congressman McCollum stood side by side with his father in Washington, and warns voters about the healthcare company Rick Scott once ran and its fraudulent practices.
Reagan, a radio host, frequent Fox News guest and best-selling author, starts the ad: “On August 24, Florida Republicans will make an important choice. Now I rarely make endorsements, but one candidate in this race represents the legacy of my father, Ronald Reagan, and that’s Bill McCollum.
“Bill McCollum came to Washington during the Reagan revolution, where Bill stood side by side with my father. Together they slashed taxes, cut spending, and made our economy strong again. As Florida’s attorney general he’s leading the legal fight to stop Obamacare."
Then, Reagan opens up on Rick Scott and warns Republican voters that the businessman can’t be trusted as the GOP’s standard-bearer this November.
“Then there’s Rick Scott, whose company engaged in the biggest Medicare fraud in history, ripping off taxpayers and then paying a $1.7 billion fine.
“My father always told me it’s character that counts. And Bill McCollum is a proven conservative and a man of real character who represents the values we stand for.
Reagan concludes: “Bill stood with my father then, and I’m standing with him now.”
In addition to Reagan, McCollum has won the endorsement of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, tea party favorite Dick Armey, Steve Forbes, Dick Morris, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, among others. John Stemberger, who heads the largest pro-family group in Florida, has also backed McCollum.
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