Once again, Democrats' proposed solution to curb rising gun violence lies in an effort to take guns away from law-abiding citizens — despite the Republican and Second Amendment defenders reminder that criminals do not obey laws.
The latest push before the end of New York's legislative session in Albany is a gun-control package that includes permitting individuals to sue gun manufacturers after a crime has been committed, local access channel WSKG reported Wednesday.
"I again ask this industry: What are you going to do about your products that are killing our people?" Sen. Zellnor Myrie, D-Brooklyn, told WSKG. "You have experienced record profits this past year.
"And while you make record profits, we experienced record death."
Among the other provisions to create more hurdles to gun purchases:
- A mental health evaluation and passing a drug test, both to be certified by a doctor.
- A 5-hour gun safety course.
- Live firing test requiring at least 90% accuracy at a shooting range, using the type of firearm they are purchasing.
- Requirement to apply for a hunting license.
- Provide proof they bought safe storage for the firearm.
"We had a school shooting two weeks ago, outside the school, students weren't involved; then, just this past week, we had two individuals who were shot while worshipping in their church: Enough is enough," Rep. Demond Meeks, D-Rochester, told WSKG.
Democrats pointed to the urgency of the passage of gun control amid a rise in violence in the past year after the state has moved to remove cash bail, making it easier for repeat offenders to get back on the street before facing accountability on their prior charges.
"We have seen New York state move swiftly in other crises, and now we are looking for this state Legislature to do the same in this critical month," state Rep. Diana Richardson, D-Brooklyn, told the radio station.
But Republicans said this crisis is not going to be fixed by this.
"The idea that you're going to hold gun manufacturers responsible," Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt, R-Niagara, told WSKG. "I don't see how that changes anything."
Instead, Republicans noted to WSKG that Democrats need to permit law enforcement to enforce existing laws, which have failed the state in the past year amid an anti-policing push.
Eric Mack ✉
Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.
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