Jared Kushner is being immortalized on the cover of Mad Magazine with President Donald Trump's son-in-law portrayed as Alfred E. Neuman, the wacky publication's gap-toothed mascot.
Mad's August issue shows a grinning Kushner standing next to his wife Ivanka Trump, who stares at him with a nauseated look on her face. The couple stand behind the president who sports at ear-to-ear smile.
Kushner's face is a mixture of his own features and the freckles, missing tooth and outlandish ears of Neuman, who's iconic slogan is "What Me Worry?"
The magazine says the drawing will appear in its "A View to a Shill Dept."
"The cover of MAD #546 takes us behind the scenes at the Oval Office, which now seems to be operating like a family business!" Mad's editors write.
"The issue goes on sale soon . . . but since the President's son-in-law has been named the F.B.I.'s 'person of interest' in the Russia probe, it's also breaking news!"
The cover cartoon is drawn by Mark Fredrickson, who's no stranger to poking fun of presidents.
He's portrayed former President Barack Obama as a trench-coated spy and as a boxer knocking out Hillary Clinton in the ring.
He also drew Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway in a red cocktail dress and with a horrified look on her face after stepping in a pile of manure in a cow pasture.
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