Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, accused of being an isolationist by some fellow Republicans, is actually more in step with the majority of American thought than his possible presidential rivals, says radio talk show host Laura Ingraham.
Most polls show Americans don't want to get involved militarily in Syria, Ukraine, or Iraq, Ingraham said Thursday on Fox News Channel's
"The O'Reilly Factor."
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who along with Paul, is thought to be eyeing the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, has criticized Paul's views on foreign policy, calling him
"curiously blind" on the threat of the ISIS terror threat in Iraq.
Ingraham said that if Republicans run in 2016 on a George W. Bush "muscular" foreign policy, it might frighten people into thinking the United States will get into more wars.
"I think Rand Paul's banking on someone like a Jeb Bush doing that," Ingraham said.
People want "a strong America" but also want "an independent America," so we can rebuild at home, Ingraham added.
"This is a very tricky thing for Republicans after Bush," she said.
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