Political consultant and Clinton strategist C. James Carville coined the “It’s the economy, stupid!” slogan that became the hallmark of Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign.
Paraphrasing Carville, the hallmark of the 2008 presidential campaign may well be, “It’s illegal aliens, stupid!” Liberal columnists, such as David Broder and E.J. Donne, have joined conservative staff writer Dean Barnett of the Weekly Standard in heralding immigration as a potentially dominate factor in the voting patterns of U.S. citizens in 2008, and here’s why.
The impact of illegal aliens on the American way of life is emerging as a major concern of U.S. citizens. As evidence, the recent plan by New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens never made it up the flagpole. A Siena College poll found that some 70 percent of New Yorkers opposed the plan, among them members of the New York congressional delegation.
Gov. Spitzer has since extracted himself (and thus Sen. Hillary Clinton) from the imbroglio. The lesson learned is that, even in a blue state like New York, politicians ignore at their peril the growing impact of illegal aliens on the daily lives of U.S. citizens.
At the top of the impact list are those foreign nationals, who after entering the United States illegally proceed to commit crimes, among them an increasing number of drunk-driving maiming and killings.
In many cases, these drivers can neither read nor speak English. Issuing them driver's licenses would not have prevented their drunk driving; it would not have taught them to read English road signs. Illegal aliens who commit crimes in the United States, ranging from drug trafficking to identity theft to rape and murder, often seek refuge by returning to their homelands to avoid criminal and civil penalties. Public outrage is growing over these refugees from justice.
Identity theft is today the most reported crime in the nation, and its victims are said to experience emotional trauma similar to that experienced by victims of other crimes.
Industry estimates for a 12-month period ending August 2006 put the number of identity theft victims at 15 million, with a cost to businesses and consumers of $56.6 billion.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which estimates only 8.5 million consumers as victims of identity theft in 2005, appears to be low-balling the damages. Although the FTC numbers show a yearly rise in ID thefts, the government agency fails to zero in on the causes and the thieves.
Wachovia Bank advertises on television that it will work to resolve the varied problems suffered by customers who are victims of identity theft. In the past decade, an estimated 70 percent-80 percent of identity thefts in the United States were committed by illegal aliens, many connected with criminal gangs.
Just how many illegal aliens are there in the United States? Although no exact count exists, the number of foreign nationals residing illegally in the United States could approach 38 million men, women, and children, based on U.S. Border Patrol off-the-cuff guestimates.
In 2008, voters may well hold the U.S. Congress and the Clinton and Bush administrations accountable for the decades of immigration malfeasance leading up to the current state of immigration anarchy.
In an effort to secure passage of “comprehensive immigration” legislation, the Bush administration began in 2005 prosecuting identity theft with a mere 177 cases of the millions of cases reported. In 2006, the number of identity theft prosecutions by the U.S. Department of Justice rose to 466, using evidence obtained in raids of companies employing illegal alien labor.
The president of the Hispanic National Bar Association called the raids “harsh and unwarranted, especially since they involve hard-working people who show up daily at their jobs.” Bush administration officials announced in late November 2007 a “modification” of enforcement of employer sanctions. The raids were too effective — the prevalence of identity theft was just too widespread to acknowledge in court.
Meanwhile, illegal aliens continue to steal U.S. identities to gain higher paying jobs than the day-labor shape-ups on street corners.
These identity thieves are street smart and understand that employers willing to pay good wages will demand proof of citizenship, and assumed identities pass inspection far better than forged documents. Illegal alien identity thieves also know that theft of Social Security numbers or driver's licenses may go undetected for many years.
The Democrat presidential candidates have artlessly evaded and avoided any defined statements on dealing with illegal immigration.
They espouse threadbare rhetoric on “comprehensive immigration reform,” “control of the borders,” “more border patrol agents,” “tough enforcement of employer sanctions,” and “no amnesty,” but “easy citizenship for all aliens, legal or illegal.” Interestingly those Democrat U.S. senators running for president all voted against legislation to establish English as the official language of the United States; they are Joe Biden, D-Del.; Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.; Chris Dodd, D-Conn.; and Barack Obama, D-Ill.
U.S. citizens increasingly are saying, “Enough political pablum.”
They want enforcement of existing immigration laws rather than press releases and 30-second sound bites. They want politicians who will put America’s well-being and the welfare of U.S. citizens ahead of the immigration special interests and the interests of foreign nationals.
The United States attorneys appointed by President George W. Bush and by former President William Clinton have something in common with U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee chair Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and U.S. House Judiciary Committee chair John Conyers Jr., D-Mich. These federal prosecutors and federal legislators, by failing to prosecute or call for prosecution of illegal aliens, have failed to comply with their sworn duties to “protect and defend the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Sen. Leahy and Rep. Conyers, instead of wasting time and resources on tilting at windmills over the firing of eight U.S. attorneys — political appointees who serve at the pleasure of the president — should have been demanding to know why the attorneys general were not investigating and presenting evidence of violations of U.S. immigration laws.
These experienced chairmen, who have been part of the federal legislative process for decades, well know the costs, damages, and crimes that occur as a result of illegal immigration run amuck.
Transporting or moving illegal aliens within the United States is a felony (8 USC section 1324 (a)(2)); as is concealing, harboring or shielding illegal aliens (including conduct tending to substantially facilitate aliens remaining in the United States illegally and not limited to clandestine sheltering or harboring) (8 USC section 1324 (a)(3)). Why has the newsmedia failed to ask the Senate and House Judiciary Committee chairmen about this ongoing failure to prosecute? There’s a story.
The Democratic Party seems committed to a restructuring of the U.S. republic into an ineffective, polyglot, Third-World nation devoid of any meaningful culture, ethos, heritage, or language, a nation lacking ideals, morals, or national character.
U.S. voters are waking up to the realization that the United States of America is a nation in the midst of losing its hard-earned national heritage to the flawed, open-society theories of social engineers who denigrate moral values and the duties of U.S. citizenship.
These open-society advocates demand that the United States must be open to unlimited immigration, legal or illegal. They advocate unfettered global migration to the United States for all foreign nationals. This is part of the constant anti-American diatribe by radical tenured professors, anarchists, immigrant-rights advocates, the newsmedia, and the Democrat Party.
Support for open-society Democrats continues to come from various groups, among them the following (in alphabetical order): anarchists, Communist Workers Party, Maoists, Mexican radical groups such as La Raza and the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), one-worlders, Open Society Foundation (George Soros), radical leftists, and socialists.
None of them wish America well, and each asserts that the United States must accept all comers regardless of their immigration status or the threat of terrorists among them, a policy which will doom the Republic.
Open-society Democrats are not stupid, but their myopic politics is blurring their vision of the impact of illegal aliens on ordinary U.S. citizens, citizens who vote.
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