The White House tweeted a Father's Day photo of President Barack Obama holding a toy gun and playing with his daughter Sunday, but the image quickly became Twitter fodder as users voiced their outrage.
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The toy gun picture angered many people who have complained that schools are too rigid in their disciplining of students nowadays. In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, a 6-year-old Maryland boy was suspended after making a
gun hand gesture and saying "pow," an Illinois teen was kicked out of class for
wearing a Marines T-shirt that had a picture of a gun on the front, and a 7-year-old Maryland student was disciplined for chewing his
Pop-Tart into the shape of a weapon.
A photo of Obama skeet shooting at Camp David was similarly mocked back in February. The image was publicized in an attempt to quiet the chatter surrounding the president's comments to the New Republic that he goes skeet shooting "all the time."
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The National Rifle Association quickly condemned the photo.
"One picture does not erase a lifetime of supporting every gun ban and every gun-control scheme imaginable," said Andrew Arulanandam, the organization's spokesman, in a statement.
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