For the 4th of July, you could just grab some beer and chips and head down to the beach or local park. But if you really want to enjoy Independence Day in style, why not put some time into your mealtime offerings?
It doesn’t take much. A simple Internet search will yield a bounty of concoctions.
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The New York Daily News has an array of recipes ranging from corn and black bean salad to grilled flank steak. And
Fox News offers dessert tips ranging from stained glass Jello stars to red, white, and blue strawberry shortcakes.
“You don't need to spend a ton of time in the kitchen,” a Fox News post notes. “Try this fast and easy shortcut using Pillsbury buttermilk biscuits to add a patriotic twist to a traditional strawberry shortcake recipe.”
For those looking for something a bit cooler, suggests red, white, and blue coconut berry popsicles.
“These pops are very easy to make and are ready within a few hours,” the site reads.
So what are Americans planning to scarf down on Thursday?
Facebook posts on the PaleoPot page show everything from old standbys such as watermelon to “anything picnic-y on the beach.”
While celebrating America’s independence, though,
ABC News points out that you might want to take some simple precautions that can keep you from visiting the emergency room, such as not leaving food out in the sun for too long lest it spoil, being generous with the sunscreen, and making sure you’ve had enough (water) to drink.
When it comes to the fireworks, make sure you are looking after your pets, who can easily get spooked by the noise and commotion. Officials in
San Diego County offer a variety of tips, such as not taking your dog to a fireworks show.
Instead, “keep your pets indoors in a sheltered, quiet area. Some dogs become destructive when frightened so remove dangerous objects your pet may chew. Leave a television or radio playing at normal volume to keep your pet company while you’re away.”
Finally, if you’re driving out to a celebration and insist on imbibing, make sure you have someone else drive you home. Police agencies around the country will be out in force with sobriety checkpoints.
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