America’s funny man, Bill Cosby, is dead wrong.
Speaking about the Trayvon Martin case on CNN not too long ago, Mr. Cosby believes access to guns is the cause of violence in that people use guns to solve differences.
Bill Cosby performs last month at Treasure Island Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.
(AP Photo) |
Maybe that logic applies to drunks, dope heads and recidivistic gang bangers, but it doesn’t apply to the hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Americans with concealed carry permits such as George Zimmerman.
It is hard to find anyone with a concealed carry permit that has used a gun to resolve a difference.
Mr. Cosby is using the false premise that our biased media across the nation attempted to use against those of us who advocated for concealed carry.
Americans with concealed carry permits do not use guns to resolve differences.
Much to the dismay of the blathering anti-gun media, the gun-fight at the OK Corral stoplight hasn’t happened between Americans with legally carried loaded guns in their belt and purses.
Trust me, if it had occurred, our salivating gun-hating media would report it endlessly.
In a 2011 Newsmax article, professor and gun-fact guru John Lott noted more than 800,000 law-abiding Americans in Florida had concealed carry permits. Only four individuals had their permits revoked for a firearms violation. That’s an annual revocation rate of 0.0002 percent.
Clearly, Americans with concealed carry permits are tremendously responsible citizens, maybe the most responsible citizens of all.
Of those rare individuals who have had their concealed carry license revoked, it is even rarer that their license was revoked because they used their weapons inappropriately.
Alternatively, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of instances where Americans with concealed carry licenses have used their weapons legally to save innocent lives, halt life-threatening crimes, and righteously put evil thugs on ice.
The media rarely, if ever, reports on these legal shootings as this goes against their overt anti-gun bias and agenda. For some bizarre reason, reporting the truth about guns is a big no-no in the media.
Mr. Cosby did say we have a right to own a gun and to use it to protect ourselves while in our home. He does not believe that right is extended beyond our homes. That is the role of the police, according to Mr. Cosby.
Apparently, Mr. Cosby is shockingly unaware of the mass slaughters that take place at schools, shopping centers, restaurants, malls, churches, highways, bus stops, and on streets and neighborhoods.
Advocating that only the police should be armed in public is advocating a senseless and wrong-headed policy of the slaughter of innocent Americans. Mr. Cosby is dead wrong here. His unarmed son was murdered for God's sake.
Calling 9-1-1 and waiting for the cavalry to show-up is almost always a self-imposed death sentence.
I do agree with Mr. Cosby that the Trayvon Martin shooting has nothing to do with race. Only empty-headed racists such as our black-panther loving Department of Justice believe otherwise.
Race does, however, play a significant role in the percentage of black Americans who are killed and wounded every single day in America.
The overwhelming majority of blacks are slaughtered by other black hoodlums, the overwhelming majority of whom are involved in gangs and drugs — you know, that "victimless crime" thing.
Mr. Cosby is right about this tragedy. These black punks do use guns to solve their gang-related differences. None of them carry or use their guns legally.
Americans with concealed carry permits are the good guys.
Mr. Cosby. Do the responsible thing and get a concealed carry permit. It just might save your life someday.
Ted Nugent is a musician and award-winning writer and author of The New York Times best-selling “Ted White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto” and “God, Guns and Rock 'n' Roll,” along with “Kill It and Grill It,” “BloodTrails,” and “BloodTrails II.” He also is a member of the board of directors of the National Rifle Association. Read more reports from Ted Nugent — Click Here Now.
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