It’s over. What’s over? The presidential election of 2020 is over.
Joe Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021. So, it’s settled, Yes? No.
It’s anything but settled. Seventy-five percent of Republicans and 30% of Democrats believe there was significant fraud, according to a post-election Rasmussen Poll. I’m one of the 75%.
I offer three pieces of ''evidence,'' enough for me, not enough for the courts and legislatures.
Consider this: First, there were 27 toss-up U.S. House of Representative seats going into the election. The Republicans won all 27. Second, there were 400,000 Democrat bullet-votes in the battleground states; 100,000 alone in Georgia.
What’s a bullet-vote? It’s a ballot with multiple races, but only one vote — for Biden.
Who votes like that? Paid ballot harvesters, rushing to beat the election deadline.
Ballots that were quickly marked and signed by the original voter before being scooped up, taken to the van, signed, bullet-voted and delivered. Signed?
Well, that will stop the fraud.
Not in the battleground states, where signature matching was suspended, deadlines for receiving ballots were extended and election observers were kicked out.
And, third, there were the counting stoppages, late at night with windows covered.
Miraculously, when the counting continued Biden had multiple hundreds of thousands of votes that he didn’t have before the counting was stopped.
Yes, it’s over. Yes, Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021. But, No, the concept of ''not my president'' will be taken to new heights and our national divisions will be taken to new lows.
What was supposed to happen?
I stand by my written and Zoom predictions. Trump’s reelection, House pickups by the Republicans and continued GOP control of the Senate. Take away the ballot harvesting, the count stopping and the exclusion of observers and I hit the trifecta.
I even spent months on social media exposing their phony polls. Nancy Pelosi’s House majority will be around five seats.
That means that three defections and they lose the vote. If I were part of our House leadership I would make an open appeal for House Democrats to switch parties.
Three takers and we get the speakership.
Our hook? Pro-America, pro-police, pro-border control, pro-energy, law and order, tax cuts — and civility.
The Senate? Well, that’s an entirely different story.
As everyone knows, Georgia’s two Senate seats are headed to a Jan. 5 runoff.
With the Republicans holding onto a 50-48 edge, those runoffs could give the Democrats a 50-50 tie to be broken by Vice President Kamala Harris. Potential Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has made it clear he has a radical agenda.
That agenda might include: Ending the filibuster and packing the U.S. Supreme Court.
It would only take one defecting Democrat to stop that train.
But — does one exist?
Is it Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va.?
Sen. Manchin says: ''Yes.'' I say: ''not so fast.''
The irony?
The U.S. Supreme Court decision not to hear the Texas challenge could be the permanent end of a conservative majority. Karma, anyone? And, as an aside, former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is bragging that they already have 1.2 million mail-in ballots received from Democrats.
So where is this going? Let me answer that this way. For the last four years we have seen a Democratic Party that has declared war on the United States. They called themselves The Resistance and never accepted Donald Trump as president.
They created the Russian hoax, brought impeachment proceedings and waged a vicious and completely unbalanced media attack on the Trump administration.
This is who they are. They defunded the police and tolerated the Lefties who burned down whole neighborhoods and destroyed historical monuments. They speak openly of making Illegals citizens and creating a one-party Socialist country.
I believe them.
This is who they are. They defunded the police and tolerated the Lefties who burned down whole neighborhoods and destroyed historical monuments. They speak openly of making Illegals citizens and creating a one-party Socialist country.
They may not succeed in 2021 but they are laser-focused on destroying our Founding Fathers and our Founding documents. They will not be denied. We may dodge the bullet in front of us but the fundamental problem will not change.
The Democrats respect our country so little that they will cheat to win.
Republicans love our country so much that they would rather lose than cheat.
Next month’s article will come after the Jan. 5, 2021 Georgia runoffs.
I will lay out long term possibilities and discuss the pros and cons of each.
Meanwhile, it’s over and it’s just getting started.
Sid Dinerstein is a former chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party. He founded JBS Associates, a 600-person financial service company, and currently combines politics and business with Niger Innis in Inclusive Elections LLC, a firm that brings urban electorate voters to the GOP. He is the author of "Adults Only: For Those Who Love Their Country More Than Their Party." Read Sid Dinerstein's Reports — More Here.
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