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US Can't Afford Fair Weather Allies

US Can't Afford Fair Weather Allies
U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley speaks during a meeting in Jerusalem, Israel, in June of this year. (Debbie Hill/AP)

By    |   Wednesday, 20 December 2017 02:35 PM EST

On Monday, the U.S. vetoed a U.N. Security Council draft resolution criticizing America's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

The vote was 14 to 1 and stated that the U.S. decision is null and void and must be rescinded, with only the U.S. voting against it. Under pressure by the Palestinians and Arab and Muslim nations the president of the U.N. General Assembly, Miroslav Lajčák, has called an emergency session of the General Assembly for this coming Dec. 21, to consider a resolution similar to the one presented to the Security Council for the sole purpose of condemning the U.S. again.

These 14 countries, including supposed American allies that are supported financially by the U.S., did not mind or care to embarrass, humiliate and insult President Trump on the international stage, challenging U.S. sovereignty in trying to dictate to the U.S. where to put its own embassies. The U.N. Security Council with its 14 members were trying to interfere and dictate to America what its foreign policy should be while being hosted by the U.S. on American, soil and being supported financially by the generosity of American taxpayers.

These nations chose to vote for and appease Mahmoud Abbas, the corrupt Palestinian leader who was the second in command to the notorious terrorist Yasser Arafat — the financier of most Palestinian anti-Israel and American terrorist attacks for decades a holocaust denier, and an unelected tyrant — over the leader of the free world and the strongest country in the world.

By forcing the U.S. to use its veto, the other countries emboldened America’s enemies and adversaries by highlighting the isolation the U.S. faces globally. All this on the same day President Trump presented his administration's national security strategy.

As U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, said "what we witnessed here today in the Security Council is an insult. It won’t be forgotten. Today, for the simple act of deciding where to put our embassy, the U.S. was forced to defend its sovereignty. The record will reflect that we did it proudly." 

The security council's 14 members included supposedly very strong U.S. allies like Britain, France, Japan, Italy, Sweden, and Egypt — which was the one introducing the resolution.

France and Britain decalred they voted for the Security Council resolution in the search of peace in the Mideast. The other countries were Bolivia, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Senegal, Ukraine, and Uruguay, China, and Russia. Ironically, the U.S. has its embassies in all those countries' own designated capital cities.

The Palestinian Authority (PA), which receives more than 50 percent of its foreign financial aid from the U.S. has been shamelessly leading the attack and the defamation campaign against the U.S. — and the Trump Administration. The Palestinian negotiators said after the U.N. Security Council that the point of the resolution was to show that the U.S. stands alone on the Jerusalem recognition, to isolate the U.S., and to pressure the U.S. to reverse its position.

On Dec. 13, in a speech at the special meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Abbas made false and anti-Semitic statements about Israel, Jews, and Jerusalem. Abbas revealed himself as another Arafat with a suit, by following his predecessor beliefs by denying any Jewish history in Jerusalem at all and presenting Jerusalem as a Christian/Muslim city whose only connection to Jews is that they are lying, about it and defiling it, and "are excellent in faking and counterfeiting history and religion." On Dec. 18, the UK, France, Sweden, Japan, and Italy chose to support the position and claims of such a leader for the sake of supposed peace over their important U.S. ally.

This is a very important and critical moment for the Trump administration. It's an important turning point in American foreign policy. The only explanation to those one sided anti- American votes and criticisms is a lack of fear on the part of those nations and entities. That is, no fear of any U.S. retaliation. It seems those nations seem to be more afraid of insulting or humiliating the Muslim, Arab, and the Palestinian crime families than the America. If these allies are not afraid of the Trump administration why would the dangerous actors in the Mideast such as Iran, its proxies, and other Jihadists be afraid.

If tiny weak nations like Bolivia, Uruguay, and Ukraine are not deterred by the U.S. why would North Korea be? If the PA which survives mainly because of U.S. funding, dares to disrespect and threaten the U.S. and continues violating existing U.S. laws by going after Israeli nationals in international bodies, including the International Criminal Court, why would Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist entities hesitate to attack the U.S. — and its allies?

In order for the Trump administration to retain its deterrence power and diplomatic leverage, Trump must fulfill his campaign promise by beginning to cut some of the aid it has provided to the U.N., NATO, Japan, and any other country it has helped financially, while getting nothing in return. This should go for the Palestinians as well.

The U.S. appears to be as isolated as Israel is internationally. Yet Israel is a geographically small nation while the U.S. remains the only superpower, and one supporting militarily and economically many of these ingenuous allies — and international organizations.

In 2017, the U.S. provided the Palestinians Authority around $362 million for economic and security training, the largest per capita recipient of foreign aid worldwide, and 52 percent of all its foreign aid. In addition, America gave, UNRWA, the U.N. agency that caters solely to Palestinian refugees and their descendants, $300 million, which funded almost 30 percent of its budget.

Since 1950, the U.S. has given over $5 billion to UNRWA. Since 1979, Egypt has received 1.3 billion per year. This comprises one-third of Egypt’s military budget.

The U.N. is made up of 193 sovereign nations. Still the U.S. pays 22 percent of the budget of the U.N., or about $1.2 billion and 28 percent of the U.N. Peacekeeping budget, or about $2.2 billion a year. The PA is not a sovereign nation. NATO is a military alliance consisting of 29 countries across North America and Europe. Its main purpose is to protect European countries: France, Britain, and Italy who voted against the United States. The U.S. contributes more than 22.1 percent of the direct collective funding that keeps NATO ‘s military and civilian operations running since 1949, spending $1,877 for each American Taxpayer annually.

The U.S. supports Japan militarily against the threats of countries such as North Korea and China with two billion dollars by having US military bases in Japan with 49,000 U.S. troops stationed costing U.S. $40,000 per soldier, per year.

On Tuesday, Nikki Haley warned that "the US will be taking names" during the U.N. General Assembly vote on the U.S. Jerusalem decision on Thursday. It's about time American generosity is not taken for granted. The time has arrived for those countries who do so to be hit where it hurts the most — in their pocketbook.

Watch Shoula’s speech,"Why Trump is right to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital," here.

Shoula Romano-Horing is an attorney, law professor, opinion columnist, radio talk show host, and a national public speaker. Born and raised in Israel, she has lived in the United States since 1980. Since 1993, she has written Op-Ed columns in many American and Israeli news outlets about Israel and the Middle East and the strategic threats to Israel and the U.S. For ten years, Shoula was the host of a weekly radio talk show called “Oh Jerusalem,” where she discussed, with guests from all over the world, issues concerning Israel and the Middle East. Her blog is To read more of her reports — Click Here Now.  

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The U.N. Security Council's 14 members were trying to interfere and dictate to America what its foreign policy should be while being hosted by the U.S. on American soil and supported financially by the generosity of American taxpayers, highlighting the isolation the U.S. faces globally.
general assembly, japan, NATO
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 02:35 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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