Democratic party members never tire of telling us they are the party of science. Yet in all too many cases, the left is the party of ignoring science when the data is inconvenient or worse, contradicts the narrative du jour. The latest example deals with new information regarding alleged "systemic" racism in law enforcement.
The morally corrupt elites who are running a country they hate never tire of telling us the United States of America is irredeemably racist. Its institutions are racist. Its white people are racist. Even children’s books are racist. The whole kit and caboodle is permeated by race hatred.
Naturally, when Joe Biden was asked by a reporter if he’s convinced there is "systemic racism in law enforcement," he answered, "absolutely."
Biden’s response tells us one of two things: He either believes his son Hunter Biden should have been indicted, but wasn’t because Hunter is white. Or, Biden is just repeating by rote the last briefing paper his staff prepared on how "U-S-A" is actually spelled "r–a–c–i–s–t.:
Congratulations if you choose response two. If the U.S. was racist, and if our law enforcment was racist, there would be scientific data to back it up. Yet there isn't.
Here's why:
Jeffrey H. Anderson, writing in the Wall Street Journal, has the science to prove that the left’s contention that the criminal justice system is racist is actually a complete and total lie. He bases his rebuttal on a Justice Dept. Bureau of Justice Statistics' study that "examined whether people of different races were arrested to a degree that was disproportionate to their involvement in crime."
The key phrase is "their involvement in crime."
The left’s lie compares arrests by race to the race’s percentage of the total U.S. population. If Black individuals are arrested and convicted in a greater percentage than their percentage of the population, then that is due to racism according to the left.
The left’s contention is false for several reasons. First, individuals don’t decide to become criminals based on their proportion of the population. Second, when looking at the percentage of those "involved in crime," we see that across the board that arrests and convictions have nothing to do with race. Arrests and convictions correspond to being "involved in crime."
The Wall Street Journal op-ed notes that the data show police officers do not give special privileges to one race over another when deciding to arrest individuals.
"The report concluded that there was no statistically significant difference by race between how likely people were to commit serious violent crimes and how likely they were to be arrested," Anderson writes. "In other words, the data suggested that police officers and sheriff’s deputies focus on criminals’ actions, not their race."
More importantly, the report did not depend upon the so–called tainted "systemically racist" criminal justice system to determine the race of offenders. "Rather, it relied on victims’ own accounts of who committed crimes against them, as reported through BJS’s National Crime Victimization Survey," which interviews 250,000 victims yearly.
Here’s what victims told the Justice Dept. in 2018, "It found that for nonfatal violent crimes that victims said were reported to police, Whites accounted for 48% of offenders and 46% of arrestees. Blacks accounted for 35% of offenders and 33% of arrestees. Asians accounted for 2% of offenders and 1% of arrestees."
Murder victims weren’t interviewed for obvious reasons.
The stats for rape or sexual assault, robbery and aggravated assault are equally informative. "…Whites made up 41% of offenders and 39% of arrestees. Blacks made up 43% of offenders and 36% of arrestees. Asians made up 2.5% of offenders and 1.5% of arrestees."
Those numbers suggest that the U.S.A. has a colorblind criminal justice system.
What you should be asking now is why does the left ignore the science and lie about our criminal justice system? And even more importantly—now that the left is in power—what sort of criminal justice’ system does the left want to use to replace the colorblind system we have now?
That’s a question Biden isn’t answering.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker’s bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with addedhumor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.
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