There are recent indications some of the residents of San Francisco are growing tired of the crime wave they’ve been involuntarily surfing for the past few years. While Austin, TX voters recently voted to encourage more crime (details from your tireless correspondents here) residents of San Francisco have decided to attack their crime wave at the source.
Legal Insurrection reports a petition to require a recall election for SF District Attorney Chesa Boudin has been officially certified by the Dept. of Elections. Recall organizers contend “Boudin has failed to prioritize the public’s safety by being too lenient on repeat offenders.”
That is not a minority viewpoint among people who pay taxes and don’t relieve themselves on the sidewalk. Potential voters were so enthusiastic that petition organizers had no problem getting the required number of signatures.
Organizers obtained a total of 83,484 signatures, which far exceeded the minimum required of 51,325. The recall election will be held June 7, 2022 at the same time California holds its primary elections.
We hope that is soon enough, because the situation is dire.
Recently, the San Francisco Chronicle — Workplace of the Guilty Leftist — posed this insane question to its readers: “Should they tolerate a high level of burglaries as a downside of city living, and focus on barricading their homes? Should people who are repeatedly accused of stealing be targeted with rehabilitation services, or incarcerated so they can’t commit more crimes?”
Residents in the world of reality would answer ‘no’ and ‘lock ‘em up.’ Why should law–abiding citizens be forced to live in a DIY jail while the criminals roam free? Hand–wringers in the DA’s office say, ‘yes’ and jail won’t solve the ‘root causes.’ When the fact is jailing a burglar solves his root causes for the duration of his sentence.
In San Francisco’s Marina District residents have already hired a private security force to do the job the DA won’t do. The Russian Hill neighborhood is considering doing the same.
In the article that offered life in a bunker as a reasonable option for San Francisco residents there were these statistics: “As of Oct. 31, San Francisco police had received reports of 810 burglaries or attempted burglaries this year in the jurisdiction of the Mission District Police Station, which includes the Castro. That number marks a 13% increase from the 716 reported by the end of October last year.”
Walgreens has already decided bunker retail is not in the company’s best interest. It has closed five SF stores due to chronic, rampant shoplifting. Other retailers have curtailed operating hours and put more merchandise behind lock and key.
This is the climate that produced the Boudin recall effort. Residents have decided that if the DA wants to dabble in social work, he should do it on his own time.
Meanwhile, residents will be working hard to expand Boudin’s career options next June when they recall him from the DA’s office.
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Reagan, is a Newsmax TV analyst. A syndicated columnist and author, he chairs The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Michael is an in-demand speaker with Premiere speaker's bureau. Read Michael Reagan's Reports — More Here.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher for the League of American Voters, and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian's Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)" Read Michael Shannon's Reports — More Here.
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