With Democrats outraising Republicans $197 million to $152 million for the midterm Senate elections, GOP candidates should focus on a national narrative, such as amnesty, says former Democratic pollster Pat Caddell.
Having the most money doesn't necessarily make a difference, Caddell said Monday on Fox News Channel's
"Your World with Neil Cavuto." The real question, he said, is whether this is an election about money or message.
"What the Republicans lack is a national narrative that ignites what the national picture is in these states," Caddell said. "That's what the Democrats are trying to stave off."
Where Democratic candidates are focused on what they call the Republican "war on women," GOP hopefuls should unite on President Barack Obama's promise to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens after ballots have been cast on November 4.
Instead, Caddell said, Republicans have been playing "small ball," focusing on who their opponent is versus themselves as individuals.
Republicans failed in 2012 because they had no national message, he said. He blames the GOP establishment for having trouble grasping big issues.
"In 2010 they had to be dragged to health care — to Obamacare — by the grassroots," he said. Now, they have the advantage because the public perceives Obama is weak and that the country is not safe from Islamic terrorists.
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