Someone in the Trump administration has finally come forward to shed some light on President Donald Trump's take on climate change.
Here's what his ambassador to the United Nations says: "President Trump believes the climate is changing."
Nikki Haley also tells CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview that Trump "knows that it's changing. He knows that the U.S. has to be responsible with it, and that's what we're going to do."
And her interpretation of Trump's decision that the U.S. should no longer participate in an international agreement seeking to curb global warming?
"Just because we got out of a club doesn't mean that we don't care about the environment."
Trump has been keeping quiet on this question, and aides and advisers aren't saying what their boss' opinion is. For years before he won the presidency, Trump had publicly bashed the idea of global warming as a "hoax" and "total con job."
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