Donald Trump is continuing to broaden his appeal as a presidential candidate,
according to CNN exit polls conducted during Tuesday's New York primary.
The Republican presidential front-runner not only trounced Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the Empire State contest, but appeared to be increasing his popularity in crucial areas.
CNN's exit polls in New York found that Trump won:
- 63 percent of male voters and 57 percent of female voters
- A plurality of every age group of voters, 18 to 65 and older
- A plurality of every level of education, high school, or less through post graduate)
- A plurality of every income level, less than $30,000 to $200,000
- A plurality of somewhat conservative and very conservative voters — and 46 percent of moderates.
- 48 percent of Evangelical Christians
- 64 percent who said they were not born-again or Evangelical Christians
The billionaire businessman also won on being the best to handle New Yorkers' three most important campaign issues: the economy, government spending and terrorism, respectively scoring 54, 57, and 63 percent.
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