Memorial Day, on May 25, honors over one million American uniformed men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice on over 10,000 battlefields for over 200 years of our nation’s wars to preserve freedom.
Overshadowing all is betrayal of the Constitution and rule of law by privileged power elites in the Obama White House, the Obama administration, and their minions in the liberal mainstream media, who attempted against a legitimately elected incoming president—what amounts to a coup d’etat.
Had they succeeded, and they may yet succeed, the most fundamental and necessary right for Americans to remain a free people — the right to govern themselves by fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power — would have been abrogated.
Indeed, the peaceful transfer of power from President Barack Obama to President Donald Trump was abrogated by weaponization of the Intelligence Community and Justice Department (DOJ) to concoct the Russia Hoax and launch the phoney and illegal Mueller Investigation.
Smoking gun evidence has now emerged in recently declassified documents that President Obama was not only aware but probably directed the plot to tar President Trump as Russia’s "Manchurian Candidate."
Now we know for sure there was never any evidence President Trump and his people were "colluding with Russia."
President Obama, his White House, his Intelligence Community, and his Justice Department concocted the Russia Hoax as part of a still ongoing propaganda war to delegitimize President Trump.
The Russia Hoax ultimately was aimed at canceling the votes of millions who rejected the Obama-Hillary view of America and Americans as fundamentally racist, greedy, unjust, and in need of re-education.
President Obama and his Justice Department knew the Mueller Investigation was unnecessary.
The Mueller Investigation’s real purpose was, not the discovery of truth and furtherance of justice, but harassing President Trump, impeding as much as possible his governance, while fishing for some plausible reason to impeach and remove from office the president — thereby canceling the ballots of Trump voters.
Unfortunately for our constitutional republic, the ethical and moral rot in our institutions is deep, not limited to a small cabal in Washington.
The enemies of freedom are every government employee who thinks of themselves as part of "the resistance" and works to undermine the policies of President Trump, and thwart thereby the fair and freely expressed will of America’s voters.
The enemies of freedom are every biased reporter who makes no effort toward objectivity, and becomes a whore to their own politics.
The enemies of freedom wear the robes of judges, but betray their oath to defend the Constitution by bending the law to serve their politics.
One such judge before us now, Judge Emmet Sullivan, is defying the Constitution and the law to find a way to continue prosecuting Gen. Michael Flynn, despite acknowledgement by U.S. Attorney General Will "Bill" Barr and the Justice Department that Flynn is guilty of no crime.
Judge Sullivan cares less about justice or innocence than he does about politics. He is part of the anti-Trump "resistance" desperate to sustain the tattered remnants of the Russia Hoax.
As we celebrate Memorial Day, remembering our sacrifices in so many wars for freedom, our celebrations will be marred and mocked by Judge Sullivan’s continued crucifixion of the deeply wronged Gen. Flynn.
All people of good conscience, this Memorial Day, will find the spectacle of General Flynn’s ongoing persecution by an outlaw judge troubling, perhaps without fully understanding why.
It is because Gen. Flynn could be all of us.
We are now in a Cold Civil War largely waged out of sight and out of mind for most Americans, fought deep within the bowels of federal bureaucracies; in courtrooms; and on editorial boards.
Yet anyone can tune-in anytime and watch the forces of totalitarianism at work on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, or CBS. Most of them want Gen. Flynn to go to jail despite innocence, despite the facts, despite the law.
Someday, perhaps soon, they will want you to go to jail for disobeying Nanny State rules supposedly to protect your health — but really about increasing their power and decreasing your freedom.
Sooner than you think, guns you own now legally, can become illegal.
Sooner than you think, teaching your kid that marriage is between a man and a woman can be deemed "child abuse" and maybe get you jailed.
When President Nixon broke the law, Republicans forced him to resign.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., should disavow President Obama’s misdeeds and support investigations of James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan and others.
Instead, the Democratic totalitarian untruth machine is doubling-down with false accusations, desperate to find some new impeachable offense against President Trump.
Former President Obama is "dog-whistling" to his allies in the Deep State that it is now or never. They all know, if Trump gets re-elected, many of them may be going to jail.
The totalitarians will try again to crush Trump.
Even if Trump survives, our freedoms may not.
The Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes has swallowed the American Dream. We had to cut our way out through its belly in 1776, and may have to do so again.
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security. He served on the Congressional EMP Commission as chief of staff, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA. He is author of "Blackout Wars," and also of "The Power and the Light," available on Read Peter Pry's Reports— More Here.
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