Rather than starting a third party, disenfranchised Republicans should use the power of their votes to "primary the RINOs [Republicans in name only] out of existence," former White House adviser Dr. Sebastian Gorka told Newsmax.
"We are pretty much locked into a two-party system here in America," Gorka told Monday's "Eric Bolling The Balance." "What has to happen is that the establishment GOP has to become MAGA, has to become America first. We've got to primary all of these RINOs out of existence and get active in politics at the primary stage, not just the election stage."
Gorka said, while starting a third party might look "seductive" and "attractive," such moves are what helped former President Bill Clinton win the White House after independent Ross Perot was able to siphon off votes from Republican incumbent George H.W. Bush in 1992.
"You split the conservatives and the establishment doesn't win, the outsider doesn't win and in comes somebody [Clinton] who shouldn't have won the election anyway," Gorka said.
Gorka said the big problem with starting a new party, aside from the red tape of election laws, is it would be very hard to build an infrastructure like what is already in place for the Republicans and Democrats.
"One man, even if he's got the best campaign, and the best ideas, [can't build that]," Gorka said. "This is a nation of 330 million people, 50 states, the size of a continent. One guy can't do that by himself, even if he's got a good team. You have to have that fundraising infrastructure, you have to have the local committees, you've got to have the electors. You can't start there from scratch."
He said an outsider has to come in and take the party over like Trump did in 2015-16, but then the RINOs took their revenge against the MAGA movement and Trump with the "long knives of the state."
"That is what has to happen again," he said. "If there is anybody who can finally get a grip of the Republican Party, it's President Trump."
Gorka said it also requires "every single person who cares for America" to get involved at the local levels and help shape the agenda instead of just voting in the elections.
"It's up to us what happens in the future," he said. "Our founding fathers bequeathed this nation to us. There's nothing written in stone. There's no fate accompli."
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