Congress must consider forcing Robert Mueller – the special counsel probing whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in election tampering and whether President Donald Trump tried to obstruct justice to step aside, former Rep. Michael Patrick Flanagan tells Newsmax TV.
"There have been a lot of very thoughtful commentators … talking about how Mueller's conflicts with the investigation are even greater than [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions' is," Flanagan, an Illinois Republican, said Friday to Newsmax's JD Hayworth.
"I think what needs to happen is Trump's allies in Congress have to start standing up and saying … we've got to move him aside," Flanagan, an Illinois Republican, said Friday to Newsmax's JD Hayworth.
"Somebody's got to be put in that job who can do that job, who doesn't have the conflicts Mueller does. Trump can't do that. It will like he's interfering with what's going on. Congress has got to find its spine and stand up and say we can't do this."
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Flanagan, president of the Washington, D.C. lobbying firm, Flanagan Consulting LLC, said when that occurs there will be three results.
"First, it'll put Mueller on notice that whatever he has to say isn't going to be accepted by one side or the other because he's conflicted out and just because he doesn't think so doesn't mean it's not true," he said.
"Number two, it will put the investigation on notice that we expect it to be fair, clean and even and the smallest hint it's not is again we'll reject it. We won't abide by any of it.
"And last, Congress will put the Democrats on notice that you want to talk about impeachment we don't care. It doesn't matter because we don't think that there's anything there because we're standing by the president."
Flanagan said House Speaker Paul Ryan should get the ball rolling.
"Ryan needs to lead the way saying Mueller's got to go, this is not right, we thought it was a great idea until we saw his attachments to the people involved in this investigation, [former FBI Chief James] Comey particularly," Flanagan said.
"So we need a different guy in there. Let's get that done. And they got to start pounding the table for that because I think Mueller's a swamp monster and I think nothing good is going to come of this."
Flanagan said he was appalled by a Politico article on Friday that alluded to Mike Pence taking over for Trump, which is why he believes it all the more essential that Mueller get the ax.
"This is beyond disturbing. This is just irresponsible. Trump doesn't have any cards to deal with this. He really doesn't. This has got to be Congress. It's got to step in and do this. We have to start talking about Congress needing to do this," Flanagan said.
"Send a message to your congressmen, to your congresswomen and tell them you got to do something about this because it is in Congress' prerogative to do this. The president is powerless to stop this train.
"He cannot get in the way of it. He has no powers to deal with it … Congress has got to get out in front of this, which is why Mueller by the way is moving at light speed."
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