There's only one reason President Joe Biden would halt construction on the border fence "right before the gates were closed," Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., tells Newsmax TV. "That's if you wanted to have an open border."
And it's "clear" that's exactly what President Biden is trying to create on the southern border, Lankford said Monday on "Greg Kelly Reports."
The senator had just returned from a tour of the border area with other GOP lawmakers to see the crisis that has been building in the first months of the new administration since the new president reversed all of former President Donald Trump's tough border policies on day one in office.
Migrants immediately began streaming across the newly "open" border and unaccompanied children have again been crammed into facilities where sanitary conditions are suspect, and COVID-19 protocols are impossible to maintain.
Media cameras have not been allowed in, though the government has released video that Lankford accused of using preferred angles. A Border Patrol employee blocked Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, from filming the conditions children were being kept in, but the same woman was unable to stop Lankford.
He said she told him to delete his footage, but he refused, saying footage was shot in 2019 and faces were blurred to protect privacy, and he would do the same this time.
The group also went to a bridge that was set up as a border crossing check-in location for people illegally crossing the border, he said.
"People are coming across the border, getting checked in. And two hours later, they're released in the country," Lankford said. "They're told to be able to show up at a court hearing three years from now. And there's no way those individuals are going to show up. ... You're welcome to be in the country for the next three years. That's the reality is happening on the border. That's what Biden team doesn't want anyone to see."
The group also got photos of a privately constructed border fence by a landowner who was tired of immigrants crossing illegally across his land.
"The fence construction is a big issue to the landowners in that area," he said, "so they're spending their own money."
Lankford called it "nonsensical" for Biden to stop former President Donald Trump's border fence project just as it was practically finished.
"The cameras were not installed, the lights are not installed, and even in some of the areas in south Texas, they were building the levee and then putting the fence on top of the levee," he said.
The area has no flood controls because Biden stopped construction of the fence, he said.
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