With its invasion of Ukraine now focused and pummeling the eastern areas, Russia is sending out orders to begin the mobilization of its reserve forces, according to reports.
The Russian general staff has reportedly sent out orders for military districts to train reserve battalions, according to Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) founder Ruslan Leviev.
Approximately 60-70 groups will be comprised of officers, contractors, and reservists, RBC-Ukraine reported, citing Michael Naki's YouTube channel.
The Russian Federation order to general staff, obtained by the CIT's Leviev, was dated May 11, so the mobilization might have already been underway. The battalions have orders from the military districts to conduct 30-day training exercises throughout Russia, according to the report.
The mobilization of these reserve groups is a rotation designed to replace ineffective units already on the ground in Ukraine's contested eastern border regions with Russia, without declaring infusion of forces, according to Leviev.
"Reserve battalions can be formed from officers, contractors not yet participating in the war in Ukraine, as well as reservists who were persuaded to sign a short-term contract," according to Leviev.
Ukrainian general staff have been aware of the ramping up of reservists by Russian forces as the "special military operation" had refocused its efforts away from the central and capital regions of Ukraine to the eastern border and southern Black Sea coastal regions, according to the report.
Eric Mack ✉
Eric Mack has been a writer and editor at Newsmax since 2016. He is a 1998 Syracuse University journalism graduate and a New York Press Association award-winning writer.
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