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Dick Morris: McCain in Trouble

By    |   Monday, 30 June 2008 08:17 PM EDT

In their book “Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies that Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us . . . and What to Do About It,” top political guru Dick Morris and his wife Eileen McGann write chillingly of the ways Americans are being scammed by politicians, especially Barack Obama, by big business, big labor, and by credit card companies. Obama, the authors warn, will adopt European socialism as his model.

[Editor’s Note: Get Dick Morris and Eileen McGann’s book FREE. Go here now.]

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax, Morris discusses the perils of an Obama administration, especially when bolstered by a Congress tightly controlled by the liberal Democrats. Morris also was critical of John McCain’s present style of campaigning.

Newsmax: In your book you talk about the things that Obama would do if he won the White House in November. How would you describe an Obama administration?

Morris: I believe that Obama represents a fundamental departure in the underlying goal of the presidency. I think that for 50 years American presidents have emphasized growth. I think Obama, however, would be the first president perhaps since the 30s who emphasizes redistribution, or what he would call “fairness,” over growth. And I think his tax policies represent a deliberate sacrifice of economic growth in order to achieve greater redistribution of income.

They mimic or parallel the policies of European Socialists in doing so. Where essentially Europe has said we're not going to grow quickly but instead we’re going to redistribute income and try to help people who are further down. Of course in the United States, we do redistribute income dramatically.

The top 1 percent pays a third of the taxes and the top 10 percent pays two-thirds of the taxes.

Newsmax: What does John McCain have to do to win?

Morris: I think he needs to focus on the very specific record of promises that Obama has made. The most significant attack should be that Obama is going to extend health insurance to all the illegal immigrants in the United States. He says he's going to extend it to 47 million uninsured Americans and that statistic includes 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants.

What that's going to do is to so increase demand for healthcare in the United States. We are going to have to ration it, and Americans citizens . . . might be denied the right to have bypass surgery for example, because a young illegal immigrant [might be] considered more deserving by the bureaucrats.

We would have a system just like Canada’s, only the Canadians come to the U.S. We would have no place to go.

Newsmax: What kind of a campaign do you think McCain is running now?

Morris: I think he's sleepwalking through this campaign. He's not drawing harsh distinctions in the sharp issues that he needs to be able to win.

For example . . . under the Patriot Act, when we target a terror group for investigation, we can keep it secret for six months so we can infiltrate . . . we can wiretap and see who they are talking to and what they're doing and who they are e-mailing and where their money is coming from.

Obama would force us to notify them within seven days that they are under investigation — basically send them what we call a target letter which is essentially what the IRS or any civil agency such as the SEC has to do.

He would treat them as regular white-collar criminals, as opposed to terrorists.

Under the Clinton administration we targeted terror investigations only as criminal prosecutions, which meant that we had to observe all of the norms of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments including warrants and notice.

What Bush has done is to say that there's a category of investigations that will not lead to criminal prosecutions — we don't care if we lock them up or not, and we don't care if the evidence we get is inadmissible in court. We wanted to find out what they are going to do and stop them from doing it.

Obama would eliminate that category of intelligence gathering. And the best example of that is Zacarias Moussaoui the 20th hijacker. We arrested him when he was taking flying lessons and . . . the only thing that we could hold him for was an immigration violation.

In the course of that, he had a laptop computer and the Justice Department said you may not open that computer; you may not invade his privacy. We only arrested him on an immigration violation and there's nothing in our case that requires access to that computer.

So we didn't open the computer. But when we did after 9/11, we found that it contained the wire transfer information to the other 19 hijackers. And when we prosecuted Moussaoui there was a fair chance that he would beat the rap because we couldn't admit that evidence because we had not obtained in the way that it would be admissible.

Newsmax: If by chance McCain wins aren’t the odds that he's probably going to be faced with an overwhelming Democratic-controlled Congress?

Morris: I think that's true but more importantly if Obama wins he’ll have a compliant Congress that will pass all of the programs that he has in mind. And that's the danger that he represents.

Newsmax: What chance is there that Republicans could regain control of Congress?

Morris: They could mitigate the losses a little bit but I don't think they can stop 55 Democratic senators. It might hold them to 55 which would be quite an accomplishment but I think Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado, Alaska, and New Hampshire are basically gone.

Newsmax: In other words there is nothing the GOP can do?

Morris: Not at this point. I don't think they can win those states.

Newsmax: Even though the record of Congress has been abysmal since they took over?

Morris: Yes, and if you look at our chapter on the do-nothing Congress, it's absolutely incredible — it's been terrible [with] their vacations and their lack of application.

[Editor’s Note: Get Dick Morris and Eileen McGann’s book FREE. Go here now.]

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In their book “Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies that Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us . . . and What to Do About It,” top...
Monday, 30 June 2008 08:17 PM
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