National Review columnist
Andrew C. McCarthy writes that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the best choice for the Republican presidential nomination because he "walks the walk."
"Reinvigorating American principles will require taming Washington," McCarthy wrote. "It calls for restoring the Constitution as a vital limit on government, not a relic . . . or an obstacle. Ted Cruz gets this."
While many Republicans "talk the talk," he added, "Senator Cruz walks the walk. That is why I believe he should be the next president of the United States."
Cruz knows that America's most immediate enemy is "Islamic supremacism," McCarthy said, and fought President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. Cruz also has pushed for the Muslim Brotherhood to be designated a terrorist organization, he notes.
While McCarthy disagrees with Cruz's vote to end the National Security Agency's bulk metadata collect, he still believes a President Cruz would make national security a top priority.
"The office of the president is mandated to uphold our Constitution, pursue our interests, and protect our homeland," he writes. "Ted Cruz’s extraordinary gifts give me confidence that he will execute these solemn duties faithfully and effectively."
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