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Coulter Slams Hillary, Edwards, GOP Field

By    |   Monday, 01 October 2007 08:48 PM EDT

In her latest book "If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans," Ann Coulter once again goes on the attack against liberals, "progressives," Bill Clinton and other targets she has verbally harpooned in previous works.

As she has with previous books, Ann marks the publication day of her latest book with an exclusive NewsMax interview, in which she swipes at her critics, Democratic candidates like Hillary, Obama and Edwards, the Republican presidential candidates, Dan Rather and even New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. [Editor's Note: Ann Coulter’s New Book — Free Offer — Click Here Now]

She also discloses why she refuses to talk about her personal life — and goes so far as to suggest Communism is alive and well in the Democratic Party.

In the tradition of such acid-penned writers as H.L. Mencken, Coulter uses her sharp wit to skewer today’s liberal doctrine and revisits the controversial instances when liberals say she has "gone too far."

NewsMax: You argue that if Democrats had any brains they’d be Republicans. Given their wimpish performance on the Hill that lost them the last election, wouldn't it be fair to ask if Republicans had any guts they'd be Republicans?

Coulter: No. Republicans are already Republicans, guts or not. "If Democrats had any brains they'd be Republicans" was my way of saying that Democrats are stupid. Some Republicans are stupid and some are gutless, but neither of these conditions have become a psychosis seizing the entire party as with the Democrats.

And by the way, I don’t mind gutless Republicans, provided they are scared of us, rather than scared of liberals. We scared them pretty good on the amnesty bill.

NewsMax: Liberals keep shrieking that “this time she’s gone too far,” pronouncing your imminent demise as a legitimate observer as a consequence of your outrageous assaults against all that is good and holy and decent. How far is too far?

Coulter: "Too far” is defined as “the length to which Ann Coulter went during her most recent public utterance.” Thus, everything I say is now going too far by definition.

NewsMax: Your book is a compendium of all of the Coulterisms that have enraged the liberals. Doesn’t it intimidate you to see the hornets’ nests you have stirred up when you see it all laid out in print?

Coulter: Yes, that's why I do this — because I'm a scaredy-cat. Aren't you the same person that asked me about Republicans being gutless a couple of questions ago?

I object to your characterization of liberal America as a "hornet's nest." Hornets are hard-working, selfless creatures who respect their unborn and defend their homes from attack.

NewsMax: You are accused of committing “hate crimes” or using “hate speech” when you attack liberals. What is hate speech?

Coulter: “Hate speech” is telling the truth about liberals.

NewsMax: Liberals say that you deserve universal condemnation because you are “mean.” What do they call the below-the-belt punches they aim at you, such as Coulter is “an inveterate nest fouler,” a “telebimbo” and worse?

Coulter: Like Ahmadinejad, that’s “free speech,” and you know what big free-speech supporters liberals are.

NewsMax: What is your opinion of Bush’s nomination of Judge Michael Mukasey to be Attorney General, given that he seems to have liberal Sen. Chuck Schumer’s enthusiastic approval?

Coulter: Despite that terrible black mark, it’s a fine choice.

NewsMax: Liberals insist they will defend to the death the right of privacy. No one’s private life is to be invaded — except for yours. Is this why they are so offended by your refusal to, as you say, talk about your boyfriends, your home, what you TiVo or how you frolicked as a child?

Coulter: Because every second they spend talking about those things is one less second they can be reasonably expected to discuss the issues, which is what they least want to do with someone like me.

NewsMax: Why won’t you make your private life an open book to be drooled over by the liberal peeping Toms in the media?

Coulter: Because it’s not as interesting as liberals imagine.

NewsMax: Liberals now prefer to be called “progressives” — the very title secret Communist Party members once used to identify themselves to each other. Wouldn’t they be more honest to just come out and admit that they are Marxists?

Coulter: Of course that would be more honest, but what does honesty have to do with being a Communist, a Marxist, or even a liberal?

NewsMax: Is Communism still alive and well inside the Democratic Party?

Coulter: You tell me: Which party advocates “windfall” taxes; estate taxes; universal, government-run medicine, education and daycare; minimum wages; a maximum wage; massive wealth transference through higher income taxes; and the wearing of Che Guevara T-shirts?

NewsMax: You got a lot of flak for defending Joe McCarthy in your book “Treason.” In this book you comment that those liberals who now admit all the evidence that has since been unearthed validates his charges now accuse Joe of being “mean.” Do they mean being mean to Communists who wanted the Soviet Union to win what later became the Cold War?

Coulter: Yes.

NewsMax: Liberals insist that giving Halliburton all those government contracts in Iraq was part of a conspiracy by the Bush administration to pay off a big corporation. You reveal that Halliburton is one of the two companies in the world capable to doing the work required. Do you believe that the liberal reaction in this case is a result of the psychotic belief in conspiracy theories?

Coulter: Sure. That's exactly what they want us to think. They think only a vast and secret conspiracy can explain why most Americans love their country and hate liberals.

NewsMax: Lately Bill Clinton is being cast in the role of a rock star and trotted out at Hillary campaign stops to add glamour to the event. Hillary keeps hinting that in a Hillary presidency, Bill will play a larger part than that of mere presidential spouse. For what role would he be most suitable?

Coulter: I see no reason to besmirch the image of rock stars by lumping them in with someone as disreputable as Bill Clinton.

President Hillary would probably assign bill some BS, make-work project nobody in her administration cares about just for show. The war on terror, for example.

NewsMax: Should Islam be seen as peaceful religion?

Coulter: Please, no “gag” questions. This is supposed to be a serious interview.

NewsMax: In a 2005 e-mail to you I said “entre nous, what’s the new book about?” You replied “I was going to tell you, but then you started with that entre nous business. You know how I hate anything French.” Entre nous, have you changed your mind about our Gallic friends since they elected Nicholas Sarkozy?

Coulter: Oui! I hear Sarkozy is so conservative he actually hates the French.

NewsMax: Another claim that got a lot of liberal arrows fired in your direction was your insistence in “Godless” that the theory of evolution lacks any solid evidence proving it valid. Now you write that Darwinism is the religion of those who worship no God except themselves. What do you say to those who claim that evolution may have been God’s way of creating man?

Coulter: I say that's entirely possible, as God is capable of anything. And as soon as they produce a single shred of physical evidence in support of that theory, I'll be delighted to discuss it with them further.

NewsMax: Entre nous, what’s your next attempt to go too far going to be?

Coulter: A book called “This Time She's Really Gone Too Far. No, Really."

NewsMax: Who among the Republican presidential candidates is best qualified to be president?

Coulter: Are they Republicans?

NewsMax: What do you think of the chances of Obama and John Edwards?

Coulter: I didn't realize they were dating. I guess they both have a lot of extra time now that their wives are doing the campaigning.

NewsMax: Should Mayor Bloomberg enter the presidential race?

Coulter: Yes, Bloomberg should run. There’s only one woman in the race so far.

NewsMax: What's your opinion of Rudy Giuliani?

Coulter: I’m not sure there are enough anti-gun, pro-choice Republicans to elect him.

NewsMax: What do you think of Dan Rather's lawsuit against CBS?

Coulter: It's too bad they can't both lose.

Editor’s Note: Ann Coulter’s New Book — Free Offer — Click Here Now

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In her latest book "If Democrats Had Any Brains They'd Be Republicans," Ann Coulter once again goes on the attack against liberals, "progressives," Bill Clinton and other targets she has verbally harpooned in previous works. As she has with previous books, Ann marks the...
Monday, 01 October 2007 08:48 PM
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