In February of 2008 there were two cases of China’s espionage reported simultaneously: one in Alexandria, Va., and the other in Los Angeles. Is the FBI in its right mind?
How on earth can China (that is, its Marxist-Leninist dictatorship) be engaged in espionage? China — the country of friendship and trade? Shortly before, The New York Times radio, by way of a sweet enticing female voice, invited listeners to enjoy a tour in China. And suddenly — would you believe it? Espionage!
The Western trade with China has been especially successful. Hundreds of millions of Chinese families have subsisted on $2 a day. What they produce, therefore, fills the pockets of Western and Chinese traders when sold in the West at greatly increased prices.
Did the FBI mistake China for an ordinary country — like, say, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq? When Iraq was at war with Iran, the United States was on the side of Iraq against Iran.
No protests were made against Saddam’s bombings of the Kurds who sided with Iran. But after the war was over, Saddam was properly demonized for more than 10 years—and hanged in front of a TV camera, after President Bush had pre-emptively invaded Iraq, since it was said that Iraq was going to have an atomic bomb!
The dictatorship of China tested its first atomic bomb in 1963 and went on building its nuclear arsenal until it needed no more of it. It would need no more since the West is to be annihilated by post-nuclear super weapons, not by those pathetic “atomic bombs.” Yet Saddam allegedly dreamed of having only one such bomb and Iraq was pre-emptively invaded and he was hanged.
To gauge the mental capacity of U.S. officials, it may also be added that Bush (a failed Texas oilman who was elected twice to be the U.S. president) has been saying that in Iraq the U.S. troops have been fighting “terror.”
He had learned to use the word “terror” in the sense of “terrorism.” But U.S. troops had been fighting in Iraq not terror, but a guerrilla war waged by Sunnis. The most likely result of Bush’s invasion will be the dictatorship of the Shi’as, who are more anti-Western and anti-American than the Sunnis. But when Bush launched his invasion of Iraq, he did not know that some Iraqis are Sunnis and others are Shi’as.
Anyway, in 2008, Chinese espionage was discovered — in the United States! But in 1979, Jimmy Carter, yet another brilliant U.S. president, signed the U.S.–China Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology, and in 2000, Anthony Rock of the State Department surveyed the great “benefits” of this scientific and technological “cooperation” for over a quarter of a century.
By the FBI and media standards of February 2008, one of the elements of this “cooperation” was China’s espionage. But according to Rock, the United States (and other countries of the West) have been helping China become as scientifically and technologically developed as the West, so that they could move together to their glorious future.
“Although,” said Rock, “there are areas where we must protect both information vital to our national security and the intellectual property of our citizens, the benefits of our scientific and technological cooperation with China far [!] outweigh the costs of this relationship [Chinese espionage].”
The “benefits” is the key word. Rock continues, “Although it is impossible to rule out unintended benefits to the military sphere [‘unintended espionage’], such side effects are almost [!] impossible to document or substantiate [except by the FBI] and any benefits to China’s military would have been small [tiny?] compared to the overall benefits of cooperation.”
So what are the benefits? Bush himself helped to elucidate the problem in 2002: “[As noted in the President’s 2002 National Security Strategy] the United States’ relationship with China is an important part of our strategy to promote a stable, peaceful, and prosperous Asia-Pacific region.
“We welcome the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China.”
The U.S. State Department survey, submitted to Congress on April 15, 2005, and published by Yahoo! on April 27, 2005, contains 10 pages. It is impossible and unnecessary to quote all of them. The meaning is already perfectly clear: Westerners, such as George W. Bush, view foreign countries as similar to their own or as they view their neighbors in the countryside where they reside when they are free from the administrative chores in Washington, D.C.
Of course, your neighbor in the countryside or the head of a foreign government may turn out to be a scoundrel (like Saddam Hussein, who did not give away the Iraqi oil peacefully to George Bush and his subordinates). But your ordinary neighbor behind the fence will not quarrel with you if you treat him nicely.
As a sensible person, a former businessman, the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain persuaded his “German counterpart” Adolph Hitler to sign a peace treaty. Whereupon Chamberlain’s car could not ride through London because the streets of London turned into a sea of Londoners expressing their joy, relief, and gratitude.
Had Hitler continued to behave as he did in 1938 and launched world war only after his nuclear project had developed “atomic bombs,” he would have become the owner of the world. But instead, he seized “the rump of Czechoslovakia,” which was to be independent under the Hitler-Chamberlain treaty, then Poland, then France, and finally invaded Russia with its vast natural and human resources, both convertible into part of the Wehrmacht.
Hitler had been routed even before the U.S. Manhattan Project, and before Canada and Britain developed nuclear weapons.
Many Western officials like Rock and both Bushes evidently believe that if they arm the dictatorship of China sufficiently to annihilate the West, the dictatorship will behave like Hitler in the imagination of the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and those Londoners who filled the streets of London to hail his peace.
Not just the United States, but the West in general, has been “cooperating” scientifically and technologically with China (that is, the dictatorship of China) in the belief that the dictatorship of China will become, as President Bush put it, “strong [true!], peaceful [like Hitler], and prosperous [was Germany more prosperous under Hitler, that is, during its preparation for, and participation in, World War II, than before and after him?].”
It is curious that one paragraph of the U.S. State Department survey is devoted to nanotechnology. Imagine United States-German scientific and technological cooperation in nuclear power in 1939-1945. Especially since most of the best nuclear physicists of Germany and of her vassals and allies emigrated to the United States.
Yes, history would have been rewritten as a result of this cooperation. Not in favor of the Western democracies, but, on the contrary, recording their unconditional surrender or annihilation.
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