During his first two weeks in office President Trump has made a decision to sustain President Obama’s protections of LGBT Americans and federal workers. It illustrates our new Commander-in-Chief’s commitment to making America great again.
As someone who has spent much of my professional career working at the highest levels of government at home and abroad, interacting with elected officials and collaborating with corporate CEOs, I can tell you firsthand that talk is cheap. Anyone can talk, it’s action that takes work. It involves courage, inclusiveness and the willpower to stand up to naysayers and an establishment that seldom responds well to change.
President Trump deserves tremendous credit for recognizing progress when he sees it. His recent announcement that he will not rescind President Obama’s actions which protect LGBT federal workers and contractors from discrimination is proof that he embraces societal progress and believes in inclusion in the public square. The fabric of our nation, along with our economy, are stronger when individual liberty and freedom is protected and we endeavor to strengthen families and communities.
It is my hope that other Republican leaders in Congress and in state capitals across America will follow his lead and ensure all Americans, including LGBT citizens, are free from discrimination in the workplace and in our communities.
As a former diplomat, government official, and most importantly as a mother, I am heartened by the fact that President Trump is delivering on his promises to ensure a better future and quality of life for all Americans. As long as he maintains this commitment, he will surely be remembered not only as good president — but equally as important — as someone who can be trusted to keep his word.
Nancy Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen, the world's largest breast cancer charity, has served as U.S. ambassador to Hungary, U.S. chief of protocol, and as a Goodwill Ambassador for Cancer Control to the U.N.'s World Health Organization. She is now continuing her work in media and consulting and has taken a leave of absence from Komen's board. The opinion expressed belongs solely to the author. Read more of her reports, Go Here Now.
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