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Dick Morris: Chris Wallace Is Worst Journalist in History

chris wallace as moderator of a presidential debate case western reserve university

Jill Biden (not pictured) and then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speak with moderator and Fox News anchor Chris Wallace at the end of the first presidential debate at Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic - Cleveland, Ohio - Sept. 29, 2020. (Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images) 

Dick Morris By Monday, 13 December 2021 11:46 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Chris Wallace announced his retirement from Fox News this past Sunday amid tributes from his fellow fake-news journalists.

These tributes don’t change the fact Wallace almost single-handedly destroyed the credibility of presidential debates, possibly for all time.

On Sept. 29, 2020, he moderated the Trump vs. Biden presidential debate, making it also the most biased in presidential history.

Wallace lobbed softball after softball question at his favored candidate, Joe Biden.

He then spewed vitriol at the candidate he disdained, President Donald Trump.

Here’s an example of a Wallace loaded question for Trump:

"It turns out that in Obama's final three years as president more jobs were created. A million and a half more jobs than in the first three years of your presidency."

The real truth is that in Obama’s eight years as president the U.S. created a net 883,000 new jobs (110,000 per year).

Meanwhile, during the pre-pandemic years of the Trump presidency, the U.S. added 546,000 jobs, (182,000 per year).

Trump wins by a very large margin based on the truth, not using Chris Wallace’s made up spin.

And Wallace chose not to mention that household median income rose by just $3,299 under eight years of Obama, while jumping $6,089 in four years under Trump.

These are undeniable facts.

When it came time to review the economic policies of the two candidates, Wallace chose first to grill Trump on reports that he paid only $700 in taxes during his first two years as president.

This was like a "when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife question."

It was especially egregious that Wallace did this to Trump when he knew full well that the New York Times had reported that the billionaire had actually paid $94.4 million in taxes since 2005.

But the moderator was following the "Chris Wallace Rule," ignore the facts in favor of a liberal bias.

And, when it came time to discuss the shenanigans that would later mar the 2020 vote counting, Wallace totally dismissed the looming danger of a disputed election.

The Fox News anchor blithely assured the national audience, "the biggest problem, in fact, over the years, with mail-in voting has not been fraud, historically. It has been that sizable number, sometimes hundreds of thousands of ballots, are thrown out because they have not been properly filled out or there is some other irregularity they just see through that deadline."

And even before the debate, Wallace tried to dismiss the charge that Biden wanted to defund the police.

When Trump told Wallace in an interview that Biden "wants to defund the police," Chris sprang to the vice president’s defense saying, "Sir, he does not."

Wait a minute, is this guy a journalist or press spokesman for the Biden campaign?

Again, the truth is hard to ignore.

Biden said on a video-taped interview he did support defunding the police to divert funds to pay social workers, psychologists, and conflict mediators during answer emergency calls.

And this is exactly what the proponents of police defunding have called for, moving funds designated for fighting crime to use on social programs.

Wallace had to have known this.

Wallace also challenged the president on the issue of critical race theory, saying: "Your administration directed federal agencies to end racial sensitivity training that addresses white privilege or critical race theory. Why did you decide to do that, end with sensitivity training?"

Trump answered that he "ended it because it's racist."

"I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane. That it was a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in our schools, all over the place. And you know it and so does everybody else."

When Wallace persisted asking: "What is radical — what is radical about racial sensitivity training?" Trump pressed on, calling CRT a “very sick idea” and said it was "teaching people to hate our country.”

These lop-sided questions in favor of Joe Biden were scattered through the whole debate, as were any number of times Wallace saw that Biden was faltering in his answers, fumbling and stumbling, and he quickly interrupted, turning to Trump for a question.

At one point during the debate as Biden lost his train of thought, Wallace jumped to his defense and said "I’m having a little trouble myself."

This debate should be known throughout modern history as one in which a very biased journalist from Fox News delivered an election defeat to a sitting U.S. president.

Instead the left and the establishment will lionize Wallace for his bias, as we are seeing with his reward of a big, plum job at CNN.

Former President Nixon put it best when he said 'history is written by liberals."

It really is Chris.

Dick Morris is a former presidential adviser and political strategist. He is a regular contributor to Newsmax TV. Read Dick Morris' Reports — More Here.

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The left and the establishment will lionize Wallace for his bias, as we are seeing with his reward of a big, plum job at CNN.
cnn, crt, debates
Monday, 13 December 2021 11:46 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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