If you sent your unaccompanied 14–year–old child on a 1,200-mile journey from say Honduras to Texas — by way of the Mexican Death Train, assuming he survived the trip, our border authorities would do everything but hand him a Mylar balloon to demonstrate their joy at his arrival.
No awkward questions about what kind of parent sends a child on a trip like that? Or why is it the responsibility of the U.S. government to rescue the family from its bad decisions?
Once that child is at the border his walking days are over.
Uncle Sam books him a free ticket on Coyote Airways and flies him to the destination of
his choice. And he don’t need no stinkin’ papers either. His word, or the message scratched on the napkin in his backpack, is enough for Obama.
Their goal is "compassion" and family reunification so he can join the initial lawbreakers who set off this chain of events. But being sensitive on the taxpayer dime isn’t cheap. Obama’s requesting $3.7 billion to deal with the crisis.
Now you’re thinking that $3.7 billion fence will look like "The Wall" in Game of Thrones!
But no, only $400 million is for "enforcement," which under this administration could be a strict babysitter. The rest is for housing, feeding, transporting, clothing and counseling the new arrivals. It will hire an army of leftist lawyers, social workers, ‘immigrant activists’ and assorted ideological hangers on.
The really obscene element in this manufactured crisis is the left is using the basic decency of Americans to achieve a goal they would otherwise never support. Elitists that never go to church, constantly tell Christians the Bible says to comfort the alien and the stranger.
What they neglect to add — probably because they don’t own a Bible — is that aliens and strangers are required to obey the same laws the Jews and Christians obey. No one gets a pass because he’s from out of town.
As Sen. Tom Coburn says, it would be cheaper to fly these minors and their family home in first class than to let Obama parcel them out piecemeal into the nation’s interior.
It would also be the Christian thing since it returns them to their real home, demonstrates bad decisions have consequences, reunites the family and ends the fantasy that Uncle Sam is social worker to the world.
Michael R. Shannon is a commentator, researcher (for the League of American Voters), and an award-winning political and advertising consultant with nationwide and international experience. He is author of "Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times (Now with added humor!)." Read more of Michael Shannon's reports — Go Here Now.
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