If ever there was a dream presidential primary season this is it.
On the Republican side can be found staunch conservatives in Ted Cruz and Ben Carson, establishment templates such as Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, the libertarian-conservative Rand Paul, and even the bombastic billionaire turned celebrity reality star turned presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Hold your breath because, it gets better.
The party of the little man has had its socialist style ideals ever since FDR and LBJ created such systems as social security and The Great Society.
The idea that the downtrodden and helpless, or in many more cases people who planned poorly or not at all for healthcare and retirement, could be cared for by government through the taxes of the producers of society are certainly socialist ideals.
It’s called the transfer of wealth via the tax code.
Now the Democrats have their very own self ascribed Democratic Socialist in Bernie Sanders. Sanders rails against Wall Street, big banks, and the wealthy top 1 percent possessing more wealth than the bottom 90 percent calling the U.S. economy, “rigged.”
According to the Democratic Socialists of America; "Democratic socialists believe that to achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives."
If anything sounded rigged then that previous statement certainly qualifies.
All good Democratic Socialists have roots to their ideology and according to an
article on Yahoo News, Sanders radical past is full of big government. From public takeovers of industry such as utilities and oil, to standing on stage with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega in 1985 openly supporting Ortega’s Sandinistas, Sanders has lived on the fringe.
Any good employer interviewing for top talent to fill a position uses what is called “behavioral based interviewing”. This is a fancy term to look at past performance to determine future behavior.
If we know that in Sanders past he has stated, “I believe in the redistribution of wealth”, he has advocated seizing control of private companies for public ownership and has cavorted with enemies of the U.S. like Daniel Ortega, it’s safe to conclude Sanders belief system.
Then we have Sanders current ideas of promoting free college tuition for everyone in America and taking Obamacare even further to a full-fledged single-payer system like what the U.K. has.
In Sanders world, money farms do exists where leprechauns ride unicorns through the four leaf clover grove picking gold coins from the branches filling their lucky charm cauldrons.
Then there is the suspected felon, Hillary Clinton.
It’s not often you see someone run for president of the United States who is under investigation by the FBI for gross negligence in the handling of America’s top secrets with her home brew email server.
In addition to this is the expanded FBI probe of potential public corruption between Clinton’s role as Secretary of State and her family’s Clinton Foundation.
It’s easy to make friends and give your new found friends favor from the U.S. when said friends pay millions to hear your husband ramble on incoherently off-script in a paid speaking engagement. Multiply this many times over.
There’s little point in detailing the lengthy rap sheet of Hillary Clinton as most high information voters have educated themselves with such things as Whitewater, Rose Law Firm records, the Bimbo Eruptions Squad, cattle futures trading, stolen White House furniture, Vince Foster, lies about sniper fire and Benghazi, Clinton Foundation foreign donors, and Travelgate.
All these are the acts of a rightwing conspiracy to take down herself and her husband. This is otherwise known as the Jeffrey Dahmer defense.
Democrats are in an awkward position. The current criminal investigation into Mrs. Clinton is serious and in many ways mirrors that of General Petraeus who received a 2-year probation sentence and a $40,000 fine for the exact same criminal behavior as
Clinton, with the exception that Clinton has many more potential counts.
Then there is the political corruption investigation that only adds to her legal woes if found to be criminal and worthy of prosecution.
If it wasn’t so incredulous and surreal, we would all think we were watching the Seinfeld episode where Keith Hernandez, former New York Mets player, supposedly spits on Kramer and Neuman at a Mets game, and Jerry purposes the “second-spitter theory.”
You can’t make this stuff up when it comes to the Clintons.
Taking inventory at the Democratic scene of the crime, we have the socialist, the suspected felon, the president’s legacy in jeopardy and Professor Plum in the den with the candlestick.
That’s right, it was Plum all along, so get a clue and fold this board game up.
It’s time to move on.
Michael McDaniel is a political commentator who has been covering election politics in Iowa for over a decade. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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