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Bill Gates is Out to Fool Mother Nature

bill gates

Bill Gates speaks during a Concert For COVID-19 Relief on June 24, 2020 in Washington. (Getty Images/Getty Images for All In)

Michael Dorstewitz By Wednesday, 30 December 2020 10:40 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

Philanthropist Bill Gates is financially backing an effort to reverse global warming by dimming the sun before its rays hit the planet.

Have they really thought this one through?

The plan, spearheaded by Harvard University, is to spray millions of tons of tiny mirrored particles into the stratosphere to reflect solar radiation away from Earth.

The Swedish Space Corporation agreed earlier this month to give it its first trial run in June of next year, by launching a balloon near Kiruna, a town in the Arctic Circle, according to Reuters.

''There are very many real concerns'' about the risks of climate change and solar geoengineering, said David Keith, who is involved in the project. He’s a professor of applied physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

''Understanding them requires a range of activities including experiments,'' continued Keith, who is also a professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.

The unmanned test flight won’t actually release any particles into the stratosphere. It will instead check communications and other systems and work out maneuverability issues with the balloon.

However, Keith claimed it will be an important beginning leading up to the next step — releasing up to 2 kg (4.4 lbs.) of non-toxic calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere.

Opponents of the project believe it amounts to treating the effects of global warming while doing nothing about what they perceive as the cause — reliance on fossil fuel as an energy source.

''There is no merit in this test except to enable the next step. You can’t test the trigger of a bomb and say 'This can’t possibly do any harm,''' said Nicklas Hällström, director of the Swedish green think-tank WhatNext?

''Swedish society is increasingly calling for real, immediate solutions to climate change,'' he said, such as a transformation away from fossil fuels and toward a zero-carbon society.

But over and above these concerns, have the scheme’s proponents thought through what might result from less sunlight striking the Earth’s surface?

Has anyone, for example, consulted agricultural experts for their opinion?

Less sunlight would theoretically result in a shorter growing season and lower crop yields. In addition to cutting into the individual growers’ income, lower yields could, in turn, result in global food shortages — even possibly famine.

Most people, if asked, would prefer not to die of starvation — even if it means putting up with a little global warming along the way.

The sun also provides health benefits in the form of Vitamin D, which is produced naturally in the skin in response to sunlight. Recent studies suggest that vitamin D could have prevented up to 90% of coronavirus deaths.

Cutting down the sun’s radiation on the planet also works in opposition to renewable energy sources — especially solar.

Despite their exorbitant cost, renewables have been touted for years by environmentalists and the left as a ''clean'' alternative to fossil fuels. But less radiation striking solar panels should result in a decrease in energy creation.

As far as that goes, decreased solar radiation could conceivably affect wind strength, limiting energy derived from wind turbines. Wind, after all, is created by temperature differences from one area to the next. Decreasing solar radiation might decrease, in theory, those differences.

Another red flag may be Bill Gates himself.

Gates acquired his wealth by founding Microsoft, which is perhaps the world’s largest developer of application programs and operating systems for personal computers.

As Microsoft’s CEO in the late 20th century, if Gates didn’t have a hand in the actual development of the Windows 95 operating system, he more-than-likely approved its release.

Windows 95 probably resulted in more people switching from PCs to Apple computers than any other single factor. And we’re supposed to trust him on this?

Finally, the very notion of trying to directly change the global climate should cause everyone to hesitate.

Chiffon margarine ran a series of TV ads during the 1970s depicting Mother Nature who, after tasting the product, identified it as nature’s own creamy sweet butter.

When she’s told it’s actually Chiffon margarine, she brings forth a bolt of lightning and proclaims, ''It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.''

The point is, we don’t know what the lasting effects of partially blocking the sun’s radiation might be — poverty, famine an endless winter.

And once it’s done, can it readily be undone?

Dena Dietrich, the actress who portrayed Mother Nature in the Chiffon ads, died last month at the age of 91. But the truth behind her tag line lives on.

''It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.''

Especially if doing so could even lead to our own extinction.

Michael Dorstewitz is a retired lawyer and has been a frequent contributor to BizPac Review and Liberty Unyielding. He is also a former U.S. Merchant Marine officer and an enthusiastic Second Amendment supporter, who can often be found honing his skills at the range. Read Michael Dorstewitz's Reports — More Here.

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Philanthropist Bill Gates is financially backing an effort to reverse global warming by dimming the sun before its rays hit the planet. Have they really thought this one through? The plan, spearheaded by Harvard University, is to spray millions of tons of tiny mirrored...
bill gates, mother nature
Wednesday, 30 December 2020 10:40 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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